Liechtenstein ? On a more serious note 1915 LATVIAN TANK PROTOTYPE.wmv - YouTube but AFAIK there was no Latvia in 1915 !!!! And I still have no name for it
Yes, TOS you´re right on both! So the nameless tank goes to you and its your turn! Liechtenstein... no it isn´t a rolling bank safe!
To make things worse 1915 may even predate Little Willie, oh the horror !!! we may have to rename this thread to name that (whatever they decided to call it). I'm out of good ones. Not really a tank but it's got an engine, a (big) gun, tracks and ..... something else in common with true tanks that I want you to find out. View attachment 14668
This is the US Army Tank destroyer Prototype called Mark X M1922E 4.7" Christie 4.7" SPGs built in 1921. Only one was made.
Thank you TOS. Try this one. Developed between 1943 to 1945 but haven´t seen service in WW2. View attachment 14680
Can not help thinking it has German influences in the layout of the frontal armour. Not seen a front view picture of one but Hungarian Tas 44m Assault Gun.
ASU 57 entered service around 1950 with the airborne forces after a couple of years of trials and development.
You´re correct vathra! And it was developed in 1943 but for the lack of time and money it was stopped till the end of war. And was built ready in 1948 and was give to the troops for testing. Go on!
It looks a bit like a French AMR-35 with an upgraded gun. Is it an AMC-35 ACG 1? 35 - acg1 x20 01 coll s de meyer.jpg
I think Colonel FOG is on the right way. Its definately a French tank for the suspension and the riveted hull.
Thanks for the "Go ahead"! This one was obviously designed by a man who was "up and ready for action". What is it?
CANON 1937 AUTOMOTIVE SOMUA Sau 40 Apologies for translation information is from a French site. The first projects of self-propelled guns dating back to 1935. The project SOMUA, derived from the S 35 is completed in late 1937. He will wait a year to have a gun or a turret. It is tested in 1939 and is satisfactory. 36 copies are ordered in November 1939. The 75 mm gun model is derived from the APX 1929. This gun had to have a lateral 12 ° and -10 ° to 30 ° vertical. The range was 2000m for direct fire. The supply was 102 rounds (explosive rupture). magnifying glasses pointing X4 were arranged on both sides of the gun with a field of 125 °. The rate of fire was 10 shots in 55 seconds. Driving position, the tube was retracted by an actuator. Only one gun is available for Sau 40 and ARL 40, this resulted in delays in testing these materials. Shield: Front: 35-40 mm lateral : 30 mm Turret: 38mm floor and roof: 20mm The prototype was photographed in the Dordogne in the vicinity of 27 June 1940. Integrated into one unit of circumstances, it seems he survived the Battle of France, but then disappeared without a trace.
Spectacular! It is a Somua SAu 40 with 75mm APX. (apologies for the delayed response; we had a medical emergency here yesterday) Your go, leccy1!!!