Most deny its existence because there is no evidence, that its existence is a myth, well, I get some information about this train: Was three trains loaded with gold and art work If you have some information please share it with me, if you dont want publish it here then go to my email:
George - Unless you are remarkable dense, that is, so dense as to be remarked upon, you should have by now deduced that no one here wants to play your silly little game. We are not a bunch of teenagers screwing around on facebook. Might I be so bold as to suggest that you gather up your passport and hie thee away with your shovel to Poland and start digging. In the meantime feel free to go play somewhere else and cease bothering the grown-ups. You have already had your first thread closed; what do you think might happen next?
If it weren't for the world wide web to practice lying I would completely lose a useful skill developed over a long life. I am too long-of-tooth to go into politics, so this the the best alternative. In my old age, 90% of my communications are with my wife and you just can't buffalo her.
Ha, you youngsters ! I'm a spry 68. Just turned. And if I had found that gold train I'd sure as dickens wouldn't tell anyone !
I am afraid that if I ever came into a great fortune that it would ruin my life; that is why I don't buy lottery tickets.