On TV I saw that the only major nazi war criminal "on the loose" is Alois Brunner. As Adolf Eichmans right hand, he is responsible for the death of over 60.000 jews during WW2. Apparently he hides in Syria.It's not totally clear wether he is still alive(93 years old). Some sources claimed he died, but recently it was found out that he was probably still alive. Several european countries have pressed Syria to hand him over, but without any sucess.
well a lot of the SS officers responsible for these attrocities were in their early to late twenties when they occured.
There was also some trial lately in Italy where a SS officer was acused of having killed hundreds of civilians in an anti-partisan operation. But generally, SS, Wehrmacht or civilian criminals of lower ranks were not really searched for by allied or post war german justice.
In the movie escape from sobibor what happened to the officers that weren't killed by the jewish prisoners ? were they reassigned ? or were they relieved of their rank and commision ?