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New German Iron Cross (sort of)

Discussion in 'Medals, Insignia, Badges & Recalls' started by A-58, Dec 14, 2008.

  1. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    Indeed. Santa Kruska is VERY generous and i'm going to send him something hopefully of equal value in return-not that he's requiring it ;-))

    PS, on the cross-I do not think that that cross shown above is one meant to replace the Iron Cross-ive seen this version in Bronze, Silver and Gold, and I THINK (course I may be sadly mistaken) but, I THINK it's called the Bundeswehr Cross and is not given for acts of bravery but for splended Military service. There was a great website around a few years ago that had all the Bundeswehr medals on it pictured as well as explanations on how they wrer awarded and such.

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