"...consent and coersion in Nazi Germany" by Rober Gellately. I see that some of us have read this most excellent book. I think it's a good idea to discuss it and recommend it to others. Those who want to know what and how did the crimes really happen in nazi Germany this is the book to read. It's a very good book but the reading is not nice. I mean, that reading about so many bloody crimes it's really depressive. One example: A 50-year-old German rapes a 15-year-old Polish girl. The man has to pay a sanction of $50 RM and the pregnant girl was forced to abort and sent to Ravensbrück. That's a good example of what was nazi Germany.
Fried, This book is about the devastation of social order within Germany?? I haven't heard of this book before. Is it on the lines of that book about Police Batt. 101 that Andyw described here a few months back? I got that one, but haven't read it yet.
Stevin: The book is about how the Germans supported nazi policies and how public most of the attrocities were public and aplauded by the people. They didn't know about the extermination with gas, but the ordinary German was witness of many public executions of minor burglars and foreign workers.
The order and brutality in Nazi Germany were quite "interesting" subjects. I thought it was quite hilarious that some of the death camp guards and bosses were sent to court or even executed for stealing the Reich property ( the gold and jewellery of the murdered jews). Sorta it was ok to kill and gas people but not to steal...
Seemingly a nitpicky detail, but indeed relevant: Did this happen in the Reich or in occupied Poland?
wow...the records of crime and punishment of nazi germany...the early 20th century form of judge judy...haha
Inside the Reich, bavaria, I think. The Reich itself had no justice at all, forget about the General Government... There were many public executions of Polish workers inside the Reich, like one execution of ten Polish workers because one of them had killed a German man... Another example of the book: Polish man rapes German girl. A trial is made and the court concludes that there was not enough evidence and the Polish is released. A week later, the judges and the prosecutor lost their jobs, the Polish worker was executed and the German girl sent to Ravensbrück CP.
I don't think so. We have enough goodfilms about the Holocaust like "The Schindler's List" or "The Pianist". We need more Eastern front films in the style of "The longest day..."
Hmm.....you mean a film where the US saves the Soviet's a/ses by the 101st wiping out all the Germans on the Eastern Front??? Or maybe 'Saving Comrade Rynev' No.9
Nine, I meant quality like "The longest day" and a multinational perspective... If Hollywood makes a film about the Eastern front, it for sure is going to be about some American pilots or American communist fighting for Mother Russia, killing thousands of Germans...
I see, you mean black and white and wounded airmen with legs held together by safety pins, and the 101st wiping out all the Germans on the Eastern front! No.9
Well, perhaps he can just punch Anton Differing or Hardy Kruger a bit? No.9 [ 30. October 2003, 08:04 PM: Message edited by: No.9 ]