Creepy? I don’t know, I think they are cute…Check out this little one inhale a banana
Maybe its their speed and/or unpredictability...The same uncomfortable feeling around drunks...You can't predict their behaviour.
I had a Bat land on my chest while chasing it around the cabin one year. Luckily I had a sweatshirt on ! Only wiped out one set of blinds and broke a lathe I was using as a battle weapon.
Most animal encounters involving an injury are from the person freaking out...Like Swans don't break your arm...running off panicked and falling over or running into something is the reason the person broke their arm. Animals are more like humans than people think...They share many of the same emotions and like us just want to get on with their lives. They usually freak out because the human is freaking out...Being calm almost always works. And having some courage, the problem is me not the animal. When i bat flew into my house years ago...i ran to turn off all the ceiling fans before it got fooged...And open the two doors to the house and just let it find its own way out. How would you react if a giant chased you around with a weapon? : )
We had monkeys guarding the LOX plant at Cubi Point, P.I. If you went there you'd better wait for a familiar face to escort you in or you'd be getting coconut bombs from all directions. They were addicted to Navy coffee, so I'm pretty sure they were demon monkeys.
You can rest assured BIAK, Australia has no monkeys. We do have Monkey Mia...A dolphin retreat where you can interact with them... They will let you feed them... Its a cool spot for the locals too...
Actually, we've all evolved to this point. Whether the monkeys took a lesser path, or a smarter path, is open to debate. Never saw a monkey pay income taxes.
Robotic guide dog created to improve choice and accessibility for people with impaired vision - ABC News Even animals are being demarcated...