Never looked into that. The living will I executed gave me the option to designate someone to say "yes" or "not" to treatment intended solely to extend life (meaning that the Drs. have decided I won't recover.) This was a standard VA document and I don't know if its the same for VA facilities in other states.
The NT was the first to pass the law years back and Canberra vitoed it...Then all the states brought it in one by one...And the NT became the LAST to legislate it...SO its Australia wide now...Gives people peace of mind that the system won't make them suffer pointlessly. Ive had my dogs euthanised before any real suffering...It was dignified and civilised - Quick and painless. Its about time humans were afforded the same thought...
I was forewarned. Both parents were doctored far longer than was good for them. My wife understands this.
Done (edit) Don't be shy about asking for a second opinion ! Someone I knew was on their 'death bed'. Doctor's prognosis was, "She's nearly 90, has suffered Polio since early childhood and isn't responding to treatment". It took one pissed-off family member to ask for another opinion. Long story short : different Doctor (CAPITAL D), fifteen minutes later ordered her off the Med's previous doctor had placed her on. Less than a half hour later she was sitting up in bed and we were talking to her. She lived another six years smiling, laughing and in full control of her senses and ended up dying in her sleep. Different circumstances dictate different situations. I just hope I don't have an argument with my wife just before I'm admitted.
Bloody US asks us to join in again... MSN Australia has a slightly different policy on the struggle/war/police action. We may knock back this request...We will see.
In Australia: "There is a strict assessment process with multiple safeguards, including sign-off from two independent doctors that the person meets all the eligibility criteria. If there are any doubts, a specialist and/or psychiatrist will give a third opinion". I remember a case where in Europe a 23 year old woman was allowed to be euthanised... Here it is: Belgian woman in her 20s 'euthanized' after suffering mental trauma in Brussels airport bombing (
I know right...NEVER have we questioned this type of thing before...But you know who we are talking about and this should show he US that they aren't imagining things with this person - The world knows too.
The Australians - and anyone else - can understand the situation and decide if they think their participation is justified. I don't think we need to push them for it.
Found something I haven’t seen before…Well my brother spotted this actually. ‘A day with the Australians…’ (1940)
German training model on how to attack a "flying porcupine" (fliegendes Stachelschwein) Photo: Bundesarchiv, Bild 101I-657-6304-24 / Meschke / CC-BY-SA 3.0 World War II Aircraft
Lucky was the soldier whose girlfriend was loyal enough to spend years waiting for him, as did this one in New Hope, Pennsylvania (but looks like the soldier may be wearing a wedding ring)
Well we have officially said no to the request...But its not going down well here in Australia. We only have 3 modern ships and 8 older types that wouldn't be able to protect itself properly from drones etc etc ....And the opposition is quite rightly appalled at the sorry state of the Australian Navy... Red Sea crisis: why the Albanese government said no to the United States’ warship request ( Navy things in general are not my area...I would be interested what some of the naval experts think of the Australian Navy...