wrong on every count (except about me being cruel... probably) (I wasn't totally sure how fun this question might get ) but AFAIK the uniform, weapon, equipment, place and man are all from the same country and it was taken during ww2
Ah, but you have fallen for my clever trap, I have elimnated 3 army's At least that my story and I'm sticking to it.
only about twenty or so more to go then , unless you've fallen for my 'maybe' clever trap and he isn't actually from a 'National' army as such..... or maybe he is....
Hi Vegar - he could be presumably if he filled in the right paperwork and waited several years, or married one, but I'm afraid he's not Greek
sorry not really all that close, but I can't give away too much yet - also Greeks wear silly pointy shoes I would say the rifle is a good clue perhaps....
Not sure about the rifle, was he on the axis? The rifle looks german-like because of the little dot on the butt stock.
Well, i just call it "The Swedish Mauser", but as many of you may not know about it, it is also called Gevär m/96.
Sorry for the late reply, I will scan the picture i have selected tomorrow, i will have a question then
I forgot to do it yesterday, but here we are: Who are these chaps(Not looking for names) and where is it?