Just received an e-mail this morning from Deutschland. Fellow pilot and good friend Dr. Fritz Marktscheffel who flew on this disastrous mission in April of 1945 just mentioned to me that Arno Rose's classic Radikaler Luftkampf/ Die Geschichte deutscher Rammjäger, 1979 is going to be re-r printed into English sometime soon. this book covers the terrible suicidal Kamikaze like mission undergone with unarmored and almost unarmed Bf 109's agaisnt the mighty 8th Air Force heavy bombers. made up of mostly Luftschulen pilots with a few volunteers from JG's 300 and 301 the attack was suppose to supress the heavy bombers on this date, 7th of April of 45. The poor Bf 109's were shot down at will be skilled P-51 pilots. Scattered attacks by conventional 109's/Fw 190's and JG 7's me 262's did not alter the outcome of the battle...... ~E