How good is this book! Covers eyewitness accounts from all major theatres and includes the lesser known facts of each-which is the part I love the most. I highly recommend this book to everyone!!!
Great - I'll look it up. Also ... a great oral history book is "The Good War" by Studs Terkel (sorry it only covers Americans on the field and at home! - it'd be great to get a book like this from all genres!)
I love these WWII encyclopedias! I own some that have very interesting information and wonderful pictures! I will scan many pictures next week and I will try to post them here!
I'm going to be putting some of my grampa's personal experiences online at my site - you can look at it There's still work to be done - but I've got the first page up! Sub pages and links to come! Anyway, more personal experience eye-witness info to come on that site from an American G.I. ... if you're interested. [ 10. November 2002, 09:03 AM: Message edited by: grampas girl ]
Not Too Shabby-Nice start Grampa's Girl...good to see other people want to make living memorials to such heroes...
Grampas girl-- Your site looks good. Did you make websites before? I made one and found the creative part the most difficult, not the programming.
Yes, I make sites for a living ... or try to! Thanks for taking a look! It's great to know people want to read more, so I'll get on that right away!