Anyone fancy reading my Masters on British and German Airborne Effectiveness??? It will be about 45,000 words, I have written about 30,000 at the mo, and should be finished as a first draft in about a week to ten days. Anyone who would like to have a read and pass any comments, let us know, but it is the first draft so bear that in mind!!! Would like your comments before I hand it in for marking in July... Mahross, if you read this, you will be recieving a copy very shortly...
Hey Baron, like I said before I would love to read it. I love airborne missions and effectiveness is definetly of interest to me so that'd be great.
Thats fine, but i would like to know from what your approach will be. Do you have an academic or a publishing background? If I know this it just helps me to assess the value of peoples criticism, not that I am suggesting it will not be of valid importance, and I hope will make my work a far better piece. But I would ask you to bear in mind the following points. It is an academic work so it will not read like your average book. It is also the first draft so it will have some grammatical errors and in parts may suffer from poor language use, all things I hope people will spot. Also the work only features British and German forces, this is due to a lack of primary evidence in the UK on the Yanks and I couldnt afford to travel to The US!!! But that is the scope of the work to determine who of the two is the more effective operationally. Thanks for the offer and I look forward to your Tough but fair critique... It wont be any tougher than my supervisor!!!
T.A.'s remarks are always very, very good. Though, but fair. The one's he made about my novel were really great.
I don't know much about paratroopers but I do know about aircraft and I would like to read your draft if you still need more comments than you already have.
I would like as many commetnts as possible! Hope you all dont find my academic writing too boring!!! TA152, I have a small section on aircraft so maybe you could offer your thoughts??? Thanks to all who have requested a copy, I have written about 41,000 words so far, should have the first draft finished by next friday, but at the moment I aint too happy with the last four sections as they seem a bit thin, but will try to re-do them before I email them out to you all. But at the moment I aint got the energy to re-do stuff, too much to write and illness in the family does tend to be rather draining mentally rather than physically. Anyway by next weekend you should all get a copy to read at your leisure!!! Thanks again, RED
Just one more section to write, though my style has dropped off at the end!!! Thank god I have time for re-writes!!! Also cant be arsed with the masters, found out my dads cancer has spread to his liver, so i want to immerse myself in the fun things like the campaign!!! Anything to take my mind off it!!! Apart from writing my masters... Will email it out once finished, should be over the weekend, Thanks for reading it and be gently with me... or you may suffer in the campaign! Only Kidding!!!