I don't think so (only the one at Aberdeen prooving grounds still remains) as there were only 57 casings made. from: http://members.aol.com/nukeinfo2/#10.%2 ... lb,%20T-12 I think this is quite interesting... All these T12 bombs dropped were unarmed. Eventually the bomb was exploded, but the details have not yet been released. The results of the first explosive-filled 22,000-lb Grand Slam dropped by the British produced a crater 30 feet deep and 124 feet in diameter. It is readily evident that the 44,000-lb Tl2 could produce a sizable earthquake. from: http://www.airpower.maxwell.af.mil/airc ... coker.html
And here is such a crater, 60 years later: The odd-looking guy at the bottom is 6ft tall, just for scale