Both grandparents were soldiers in Winter war, but for the continuation war 1941-44 for Finland the other one was not able to join after major injuries to his right hand during war, and the other one was by then considered too old. Two uncles fought as guerillas behind the Russian front. They never said anything about what they did.
Typically people who really saw some combat do not say much about it. It's the guys who sat in the rear that like to talk and make up stories.
My Dad's Father served in WWI. He was gassed at some point and finally died in 1946 due to the lingering effects, or so I am told. My Dad joined the US Navy in October 1944 when he turned 17 but his parents would only let him do it if he graduated from High School before he went to basic training. He started basic in May of '45 so he really served when it was probably the safest it has ever been for a US soldier or sailor starting boot camp. My mother's father served in the RAF from '41 until '45 I believe. He was somehow working with the resistance in France. My mother was evacuated from the British Channel Islands the night before the German occupation began. I have an aunt who is married to a retired Major in the Royal Horse Artillery.
My grandfather whom I never met was in the Spanish American War. My dad served in WW2 and was stationed in Greenland with the Weather Corp. My uncle was with The Mighty 8th and was in England where he met my aunt who was with the Women's Land Army. I was with the 1st Cav 1983-1985. No commies got past me in Texas!
If your are interested in trying to find them, look at the Pier 21 website,, or the Warbrides newslist on Rootsweb... who knows you might find something.
I've talked about my Dad on the forum a lot. My Dad's sevice from 39 - 45 16th Battery 3rd Light Anti-Aircraft Canadian Army, and then 46 to 61 with RCAF. In WWII, my Mum had a cousin who served with the Australians and died a POW of the Japanese. One of Mum's brother-in-law's was also in the British Army. My mother worked for "The War Department" One of Mum's uncles was in the British regular army in India pre WWII - assume he may have retired prior to WWII based on probable age. I'm not certain about my Dad's Dad yet, but know my Mum's Dad and great-uncle (they married sisters) both served in British Artillery during WWI. Going back, there were relatives of my Dad's who fought against the Americans who were part of the Fenian Raids into Quebec and Ontario in the 1870s and according to my Dad his family were at the Plains of Abraham so assume probably with the British Army against the French.
2x great-grandfather served as a Captain in the 1st Louisiana Cavalry Regt. (CS), and his daughter married a Captain in the 10th Illinois Volunteer Artillery (US). My maternal grandfather was a pilot/training officer in WW I (had some aerial photos of Verdun); Dad was a troop-carrier pilot in Europe (AF, 50th TCW, 441st TCG, 302nd TCS)., and I served in the Regular AF.
Well here's a thread about the search for information regarding my only relative who's supposed to have served in the US Army.
Great uncle served in the German army, but died while on leave in an accident in 1942. Buried in soldier cemetary in Berlin. Both grandfathers were forced labourers, but one had some darker secret he never got to tell me... Herr
My great grandfather on my mother's side Jessie Billingsley was a captain in the Texas revolution and helped found that state. More recently, during WW 2: One uncle landed on D+3 in Normandy ("I barely got my feet wet") and went on to a long career post war in the US Army rising to Colonel. My father was originally in the 36th Infantry division QM company signals section. A health problem kept him stateside where he was assigned to 6th Army HQ at the Presidio in San Francisco, communications section for the war. He was discharged as a captain. I have a really nice photo album of the signals section there just after the war too. Another uncle was a gunner's mate on a carrier in the Atlantic, although he never said which before he died. Another was in the US Navy but I haven't seen him in years. He has a farm in Gonzales Texas.
I have some ancestors who fought in the American Revolution. Paternal Side I have some ancestors who fought in the American Revolution on both sides. Grandfather: Served in the United States Coast Guard 1949-1953. Great Uncle: Served in the United States Army from 1952-1953 (injured in a accident at home, never left the states) Great Second Uncle: Served in the United States Army circa 1940's, fought in the European theatre of World War II. Distantly related Great Uncle: Served in the United States Army circa 1940's, fought in the European theatre of World War II. Maternal Side Grandfather: Served in the United States Army-National Guard 1948-1957. (estranged) Uncle: Served in the United States Air force circa late 1980's-Present, fought in the Persian Gulf War.
Grandfather died in he Bataan Death March. Dad served 21 years in the Navy as a Corpsman. Me, 25 years Marine Corps.
Thanks for your service. Father served in the Corps two years in Nam. Cousin was a Force recon Marine. I was a second armored div(fwd) and 101st airborne myself.
Back at you!!! Looks like I had it easy compared to you and your relatives. I was a helo door gunner during Desert Storm. Didn't see as much as you did. Hats off to you!
To those Vietnam veterans I want to say welcome home and thank you for your service! My great X ? granddad fought for Texas independence. I have four great uncles (all brothers) who served during WWII. Two of them were at Pearl Harbor when it was attacked on 7 December, 41. I didn't know they were in WWII until well after they had passed away so I have no idea what ship they were on at the time only that they were together. The other two enlisted in the Army later on. One served in France until wounded then sent home the other I believe served in Italy. My dad has 3 brothers, 2 of his brothers and one sister and dad served in the Army. The third brother is retired from the Marine Corps. All accept for his sister are Vietnam veterans. Dad and one of his brothers are retired from the Army, his other brother was wounded in Vietnam and discharged. Dad is a Korean war and Vietnam veteran having served from 1949 - 1971. His other brothers were too young to enlist for Korea. I have two other uncles who served in the Navy during the Vietnam war one of them when discharged from the Navy enlisted in the Army for one tour in S.E. Asia towards the end of the war. I have seven cousins that have or are currently serving in the Army or the Air Force. My father in law is retired from the Air Force. A brother in law who is retired from the Texas Air National Guard and veteran of Desert Storm. A nephew in the Army who returned home about a year ago from Iraq. And I served in the Navy as a TAR from 79 - 86.
Gramps became a soldier in 1938 and ended up as an armorer in the 3rd ID 15th reg in the 40s. He made it all the way from North Africa to Austria and every stop in between(Tunisia, Sicily, Rome, France, Germany) I guess he had luck on his side. I wish he was around to answer my questions as he seems to have been quite wild and about as far from a "by the book soldier" as he could possibly be. Great-grandfather was in the French Resistence, but I've had a very hard time getting any details out of my grandmother. But in all honesty I have a slight suspicion that he was pretty un-involved until it was clear the Allies were on their way.
Impressive thread. Interesting as to how the military has run through many families, both proffesional and amateur. Own lot, 2 Great Uncles lost at Ypers ww1 mothers side One uncle lost at Dunkirk ww2 mothers side Grandad on mothers side, Bty Sgt Major Burma, retreat and reconquest followed by Indian Independance run up with as many horror stories there as he had of Burma His brother RMP western Europe, last action, hunting deserters around Germany. My dad RN arctic and Atlantic convoys as was his brother. Many more apparantly from mothers side after war including national service. Many cousins served thru eightees and ninetees. Brother ex 2 para mortar platoon. QGM. Me RAF, remustered RMP.