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Soon to be released; Courtesies of the Heart

Discussion in 'WWII Books & Publications' started by Stevin, Dec 31, 2003.

  1. Stevin

    Stevin Ace

    Jan 16, 2002
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    Courtesies of the Heart by Kenneth Breaux is a compelling account of the 11 spetember 1944 mission to Ruhland and the 58 year search for one of the two MIA's from that mission (Lt William Lewis). The story is revealed in eyewitness accounts from the 55th Fighter Group pilot emncounter reports, 100th Bomb Group crew survivors and German civilians.

    This book is written in cooperation with Mr. Jan Zdiarsky, who runs a museum in the Czech Rep. about this airbattle.

    This book should be of particular interest to Erich, as he knows quite a bit about the 9/11/44 mission!

    Apparently no accounts in this book of the JG4 guys who opposed the 100th BG on this day. I know that up until at least 2001 vets from both sides came together for a reunion.

    This should be a great book,l gents. Available late 2003/early 2004 from Trafford Publishing, British Columbia, Canada.

    When interested, drop a mail to Jan Zdiarsky at 517@centrum.cz <517@centrum.cz> and he will let you know when the book is being released. Also check http://www.lf.czu.cz/museum119/PX/PX_AN.htm for info on the book AND don't miss the opportunity to check out mr. Zdiarsky's website!!! (homepage http://www.lf.czu.cz/museum119/default.htm)
  2. Erich

    Erich Alte Hase

    May 13, 2001
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    I concur wholeheartedly. Stevin I think Jan and his team found the P-51 wreackage a year or so ago, or at least that is what I remember......from Jan's correspondance. the vets did meet this last September by the way.


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