There's no doubt, in these times of economic uncertainty, that it's well worth keeping an eye on those 'remaindered bookshops' / 'book warehouses'. 'AVRO MANCHESTER - The Legend Behind The Lancaster' by Robert Kirby is the standard reference work on that 'plane. I'd always balked at the asking price of thirty pounds, but just this week a pile of them appeared in one of the Charing Cross Road's remainder shops for thirteen pounds 99p ! Kirby spent 15 years researching this almost forgotten bomber and the large-format book has personal accounts, photos which have been unseen for sixty years, and histories of every Manchester ever built. In short, it's OUR sort of book !! Remember - leave no stone unturned !
Yes, Yes...rub it in! Well, I got Beam Bombers for 7,99 EURO! NEW! Haven't bought that much recently (i.e. this month) but am eyeing some post war letters written by RKT winners...