Well, the second turn can start. I hope I'll do do it next week. Btw, still noone wants to play British and American army?
turn3 The turn 3 can begin! I've just sent teh results to Roel and Zhukov. If anybody wants to get them too, contact me or them.
I thought Danyel was the American or British player or both... Didn't he send orders?? Me262: you will get your results from me. Just a second.
Haven't recieved it yet? It seems we're winning right now. Two Allied assaults were largely repulsed, but we've suffered some severe casualties. No further info can be given here.
Moonchild, Danyel hasn't gotten the Allied results or anything... Please send, I want this turn to take less than two months...
OK, I can try... Always some problem with e-mails, so sorry. By the way if anybody wants to create another game, he will be more than invited. There are plenty of new game group members who would like to join some.
Yeeahh.. you're going to have to find someone else to play America. I'm not in the mood to play with a GM who won't let me lead my own army, then calls me a coward for not acting with completely inadequate equipment.
Hey, I was just trying to get you to play! Just a joke! I probably wouldn't have don anything either. How strange, however, that you don't get your heavy stuff? One would expect this for an American army. Is this game still being played by the way?