Try harder for the 2008 awards then, you've got plenty of time! :lol: Also in general, the Forum as a whole strongly dissapproves of the kicking of donkeys, assess, mules or any other acts of violence perpetrated against any other creatures, living or dead, of an equine or non-equine nature. That should get me a nomination for Disclaimer of the Year...
Re: RSPCA Arse! Not ass! I'm ashamed. I have no excuse, I can't even blame it on being American. I would never kick a donkey ... Well, just a small kick perhaps? Just lightly in the arse.
I'm trying to win the title of 'forum member who needs to get out more' from him But seriously, Roel's posting has slowed down now he is in University.
Forum The President of the Barcelona Donkey Sanctuary recently patented a new Donkey Food made from 'oats' in the shape of a small cake, so popular world wide they are trade named as ......................... Wait for it.............................. 'Donkey-Oaties!!!'
Forum "Ah Whale" said the Sole. "Ah Sole" said the Whale!!! as long as the 'punn-is- ment' fits the crime! :roll:
Can I volunteer for being the most sideways thinking? Don't ask, I'm aiming for most humerous.....and trying too hard I think
where were we? David! perleeze try to be more constructive, this thread promised to be the most interesting and intellectual to come up on this forum for 'yonks'!, so let's get back on track!! No more of this 'punny faceitousness'! Let Simon set out his stall and get this show on the road! (In any case I thought all 'Rhinos' were called 'Piles'.)
Who's doing the presentaion? Are their any lovely girls to hand over the prizes? Or are we going to do it the normal way. Roel that will post a list of the winners and ending it with: "for the others, better luck next year" Even a better idea, why don't we do it at the Bovington museum? since we are a tank forum
Forum! NOT BOVVY PERLEEZE!!! I don't want my friends at Bovvy to think I have anything to do with the dubious characters on here! Errrr! Why Roel? I think one Judge, Simon, his idea, I'll go along with anything he decides upon. I'll even propose him for the best thread for 'Yonks'! (if it ever comes to fruition!)
I think I should get the award for least knowledgeable forum member.....or most pointless member......according to Oli I am the most pink and fluffy person here. Ah but you all love me.....admit it!