In the Charing Cross Road at lunchtime found a discount bookstore with a new stock of Peter Hinchliffe's 'The Lent Papers' published last year. Looks well up to Cerberus Publishing's usual high standards - this publisher is doing a remarkable job of publishing Nachtjagd material in English. Peter Hinchliffe's unique access to Lent's family and Nachtjagd survivors has ensured the inclusion of many 'private' photos. I'm looking forward to reading it. And the discount ? From £25.00 down to £9.99.....
Nice one, Martin! Will check my local Discount Book Store tomorrow. But I wonder... How about setting up an internet-discount-bookshop, Martin, and let others share in your good fortune!???
I did some buying-and-selling a few years back when I was out of work ( sorry, I guess that should be a 'gap year'.... ). All that packing and queuing at the Post Office - hard work !
I don't know...Sounds like a great way to spent a "sabbatical"...Especially the buying bit. Well, I have a stack of books that is about to be unleashed onto Ebay. Well see if it will get me the Selling Bug. Will look for the Lent book, though, that is a great price!
Sorry, Erich...the Charing X Rd discounters' philosophy is to pile 'em high, sell 'em cheap and turn 'em over fast to cash punters....
Stevin, will you be posting links to your Ebay item's here on the Forums? There may be some interested buyers right here.