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THE WAFFEN-SS: Divisional Service History, Brigade/Battalion Unit List + Unit Notes.

Discussion in 'Military Training, Doctrine, and Planning' started by Cate Blanchett, Feb 23, 2008.

  1. Cate Blanchett

    Cate Blanchett recruit

    Nov 29, 2009
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    As always with my articles and things, any comments, good bad or indifferent are MOST WELCOME.

    Corrections, such as the great effort from Gothard at digging out facts are also HEARTILY welcome......so come on in and tell us what you think!

    Thanks to all, hope you enjoy..................B5N2Kate
  2. higge

    higge Member

    Aug 27, 2007
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    Did I missed something from the original post?

    I didn't noticed Finnish effort to Wiking, after all there were, if I remember right just more than 100 volunteered men, who were recruited by Finnish goverment as a "gift" to Germans effort to Finland. Those man had to be "from the right race", blue eyes etc..

    And they went there 1940 (again if I remember right) and they have been promised that if the war starts, they return home. Obviously that didn't happen, they were returned home long after war started.

    Another thing that bothers me about Finns in Germany back then is that one man, my friend, now passed former defensive minister, Sulo Suorttanen brought a picture about his uniform while serving in German army, he had a skull in his hat (is hat correct word for officers headware?)...
    Ain't that only for "totenkopf" regiment???
  3. Cate Blanchett

    Cate Blanchett recruit

    Nov 29, 2009
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    Gothard......what can I say?.....perhaps you would like to get into the "swing" of the article and "color" the posts according to the rating system......IMPRESSIVE.......

    Gothard's work here is a beautiful example of exactly what this site is here for.....If you have a correction, or simply know better, TELL US.......

    Use a little COLOR Got! Remember, FROST BLUE is mainly for Nordic recriutment base, while Normal Blue is for other foreign units rated highly. Rate is mainly for battle/human rights record, and it should be noted that some of the purple (SCUM) divisions were actually SUPERBLY EQUIPPED, so the color rating reflects different aspects of these units lumped together for a "general" rating. The original intent of this article was for KRIEGSPIELERS to assist in designing their own games featuring SS units, so the rating LINE has to be drawn somewhere!...........And thankyou!!!!

    Higge......I do believe the Deathshead was used by other units as well; Panzertruppen wore it, and many in this corps of the German Armed forces were mistaken for Waffen SS. It was very much a "generic" symbol, and was mistaken by the allies as EXCLUSIVELY SS............pity, because many that wore it were colored with the same "brush" when the SS were declared a criminal organisation at Nuremburg......others suffered accordlingly from roadside reprisal by vengful allied soldiers on the retreat/march back home......The immediate period post surrender was CHAOTIC.......
  4. Cate Blanchett

    Cate Blanchett recruit

    Nov 29, 2009
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    Gothard.......Boheman Maron was, I believe, like Cossacks, in the sence that it was equiped and supervised by Heer personel, but nominally appeared as an SS unit..I gave it a rating of GREEN because of its composition of INSTRUCTORS.....as to the record of the division itself, I could find not very much, and could not even find one commander.....

    Horst Wessel spent much of it's time fighting partisans, so it recieved a YELLOW rating (2nd rate) for this reason.....If HW had been a better unit, it would I'm sure, have been entrusted with combat missions on the Easter/Weatern fronts......however, it does not seem to lack for equipment, so maybe a BLACK rating would be better....what do you think?

    And....if you have a change you want to make to any of the COLOR ratings...feel free.....I had originally wanted to classify PRINZ EUGEN as SCUM (Purple), but it's combat record was not really tested anywhere else BUT the Balkans........so it was classified as a 2nd rate untit (yellow), because Balkan warfare was a Tit for Tat affair, with both sides committing atrocities in reprisal of the other.....It's a WONDER that some of these Jugoslavs were not prosecuted for war crimes after the war, so PE became 2nd rate (yellow) in recognition of this very fact associated with the partisan war.........

    One of my original intentions of this article was to highlight this very fact, that the Waffen SS record on human rights was PATCHY........quite frankly, Jugoslav and Russian units practiced all sorts of horrors too, and none of these people/units were EVER taken to task for what happened from their end of the story....so, this article was meant to show that not all SS members were equal in this respect, and that their rating as good/bad/terrible/ really did depend on where they served, and what type of ethnic recruitment base the unit was composed of......Latvians, Etonians and Lithuanians fought TENACIOUSLY in German service, and hated their Russian opponents with a PASSION......but, for the ferociousness of the Eastern front fighting, they were really only as good as their equipment, training let them be, so they were rated BLACK (equivilent to Heer) rather than Blue (Good).

    If you think we should change the color, let me know....the rating is a compromise in most cases, but, I could not bring myself to rate any unit commanded by OSKAR DIRLEWANGER as anything but SCUM..........

    Looking forward to your reply, Got....your comments and corrections are WELCOME.....

  5. Gothard

    Gothard New Member

    Oct 4, 2007
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    Thats because Bohmen Mahren never existed - It was a 26th Welle Shatten Division.

    Read these Links

    They explain Skandeberg/Handschar/Kama/Batschka in fairly accurate detail.

    Publish Date
    November 2002

    6 x 9
    224 pages
    10 b/w photos
    15 b/w maps
    Helion & Company

    Rudolf Pencz, C,
    The History of the 31st Waffen-SS Volunteer Grenadier Division
    Rudolf Pencz

    Although much has been published about the Waffen-SS in English, coverage of the majority of its units is patchy, inaccurate or even nonexistent. This carefully-researched study from Rudolf Pencz records the complete history of one of these rarely-covered W-SS formations, the 31st W-SS Volunteer Grenadier Division.

    The division, established in Autumn 1944, was mainly composed of ethnic Germans living in Hungary. After a brief period of training, the division was soon sent into action against the Red Army in Hungary, late 1944. At the end of the year it was withdrawn from the front for rest and refitting, before participating in the bitter fighting against the Soviets in Silesia until the end of the war. The remnants of the division surrendered to the Soviets in May 1945.

    For the Homeland! is a detailed and complete history of the division; the text features a large number of personal accounts and eyewitness reports from former members. Detailed appendices include divisional officer lists, and a complete order-of-battle.

    Key FeaturesAn accurate and well-researched study which breaks new ground in English-language coverage of the Waffen-SS

    Text features a large number of personal accounts and eyewitness reports from former members of the division

    Also includes detailed appendices

    First time any detailed and accurate information about the 31st Waffen-SS Division has appeared in English

    31st Waffen SS Freiwilligen Grenadier Division "Batschka"


    "The subsequent advance of the Russian Red Army into Hungary and the retreat of the German forces in Yugoslavia forced the Germans to disband the Kama Division by September-October, 1944, after a roughly five month existence. The Bosnian Muslim troops in the division were ordered to report to the Handzar Division. Some deserted, but most returned to the Handzar Division in Bosnia. The Waffen SS divisional number “23” was reassigned to the newly forming Dutch Waffen SS Panzer Grenadier Division “Nederland”. SS Oberfuehrer Gustav Lombard commanded Kama in its final stages, from September 28 to October 1, 1944. In October, the personnel from the Kama division were transferred to the newly forming 31st SS Freiwilligen Grenadier Division “Batschka” made up of volksdeutsche or ethnic Germans in the Bachka region of Vojvodina. The Batschka division was set up to maintain the Vojvodina region of Serbia as part of a Greater Hungary. Hellmut Raithel, the former commander of Kama, was transferred to the new Batschka division in Vojvodina. Lombard commanded the Batschka division until April, 1945 when SS Brigadefuehrer August-Wilhelm Trabandt assumed commanded. Trabandt surrendered the division on May 8, 1945 at Koniggratz. "

    Basically a lot of units were getting cut off and escaping with nothing but their their pants. Trained units - ready for combat but totally unequipped. The Shatten Divisions were pretty Much a headquarters that gathered all the necessary billets, supplies and equipment for an entire division TOE. The survivors were brought into the Shatten - Re-equipped and new replacements added from the Feldausbildungs divisions and march battalions. They were instantly ready for combat. Otherwise the divisions would have to be sent back to the home depots and rebuilt over a period of months. Thats how Divisons from Korsun and the Kamenets pocket were brought back into action so fast. Bohmen mahren was technically the Bohmen Shatten division formed 17 April, 1944 and used to rebuild the 198th Infantry division on 12 June, 1944. Thats 30 days to get an entire division up. Basically the Germans had 2 choices with the expansion of their Industry - Build new Formations or re-equip old ones -The enemy forced their hands periodically by pocketing troops and forcing them to abandon equipment. So the germans would simply send out the troops as replacement march battalions and the equipment as shatten divisions. Bohemia-Moravia was a protectorate - conscription wasnt allowed - the SS tended to name units to attract ethnic volunteers - I sincerely doubt that naming a division with the same name as an occupying government would rally anyone to the flag. Therefore the SS wouldnt do it. To make it worse the 31st never had any relationship with Bohemia-Moravia nor fought there. They fought in Southern Hungary and Yugoslavia. then Silesia.

    they were assigned to heeresgruppe Mitte as a Brigade early february, 1945. The Division was involved in the battle for Lauban - Polizei Regiment Schoen being present there 3-14 March ( unverified ) and by April 12 Were Fighting in XVII Korps of 17 Armee as a Kampfgruppe ( Horst Wessel was in Army Reserve rebuilding ) they were still in the same formations April 30. XVII Korps - After the Russian winter-offensive from the Vistula to the Oder, the Korps was transferred to an area south of the encircled city of Breslau, where it stayed until the surrender in May 1945.

    12-4-45 269 ID, 359 ID, 31 SS-D

    15-4-45 31 SS-GD, 269 ID, 359 ID

    Surrendered in May 1945 in Silesia.

    Horst Wessel was Involved in serious fighting October, 1944 in Slovakia and again in mid March 45 along the Oder at Cosel South of Oppeln, breaking out of a pocket with 344 inf on 19 March, also being Involved in the defense of "Festung" Niesse 23-24 March - losing the town despite furious fighting and sustaining heavy casuaties. It showed offensive spirit throughout the fighting and maintained itself in the field against resolute opponents.

    1st photo is Lombard - next is Trabandt

    Attached Files:

  6. Cate Blanchett

    Cate Blanchett recruit

    Nov 29, 2009
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    OK....that solves that one.....Do you have any issues with the ratings of other units?....Feel FREE to express your learned view!

    I, for one, am more than happy to back down to others with better resources....its what this internet and sites like this one do best......Credits for this info I am also happy to acknowledge....You sound like you have the type of reference library I would just kill for....when I start my new job, I'm going to build up my own collection again, scattered as it is with books lent out and lost........My new job will be on OILRIGS but I'm only training for it at the moment.....Time will give me better sources...

    Your help and knowledge is MOST APPRECIATED......
  7. Gothard

    Gothard New Member

    Oct 4, 2007
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    No worries - There were 3 Distinct types of Waffen SS Divisions
    Subdivided into Volunteer/Conscript after 1943 - These were the REAL Waffen SS Divisions.

    Freiwilligen ( Volunteer ) - These were composed of foreign nationals of German ancestry in some instances - these units were of varied quality - Generally poor. and True Volunteers of "European" Heritage in other Instances. Flemish Units were Excellent for Instance as were French, Dutch etc...

    Waffen - These were units composed of ethnic groups unrelated to the Germans with their own Nationalistic or economic motivations and the quality varied wildy from excellent in the case of some of the Baltic and Ukrainian/Caucusus troops and Italians to Fair Some of the Balkan Units and Central Russians for example to poor - Indian, Albanian, Moslem, some Russians etc...

    The 25th and 26th SS were exceptions to the rule - they were actual Hungarian Units ostensibly being armed and trained by the Germans that were pretty much stolen by the SS. they can best be compared to the Spanish Blue Division ( But with no training aside from the basic provided under Hungaries draft laws, weapons, uniforms, combat experience, fervent anti-communism, hope for victory or the future ) Basically high quality, motivated soldiers with great leadership. The Danish SS was set up similar as a government sponsored national formation, but had training and equipment. All were products of their home countries fascist leadership. each representing a national political party.
  8. Cate Blanchett

    Cate Blanchett recruit

    Nov 29, 2009
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    Hmmm.....just had time to read the two links from Serbianna.....very political slant. Certainly explains the formation of these units, but I'm fighting to get a picture of the battle record as any different to what I understand to be the case at present.

    These units seem to have been a little more interested in fighting to further their own causes, rather than Defence of GrossDeutschland. I'll have another look (you must read stuff like this several times to get the full effect) and see if my info is essentially different. What Carl seems to gloss over is the COMBAT PERFORMANCE of these units, which is the very reason for their existence. I agree with the political slant.....Kosovo has been in chaos for a long time now, politically speaking, but I must have a little dig around the site before making a firm judgement, which just one view will not do.....we shall see. My sources indicate affairs with the Kama division were "chaotic", and so far I have found not much to change this view of the rating for these units......As I say, we shall see, with a little more digging.....we shall see.
  9. Cate Blanchett

    Cate Blanchett recruit

    Nov 29, 2009
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    Just had a quick look at Carl Savich's blog website (comments turned OFF).

    It does a good job of explaining Nazi ideology concerning Serbia......picture of the SKANDERBEG (correct spelling) unit torching a village......Carls website explains the collapse of the Kama division as a combination of the loss of the Hungarian position and "speeded up" training processes, an explanation that really does not explain why these troops confined most of their activity to so called "anti-partisan" operations.

    We must remember that Adolf Hitler was INDIFFERENT to the activities of these divisions, which supports Mr.Savich's view that these divisions were created more as an exercise in regional politics as anything else. Recruits for KAMA "threw away uniforms", something supposedly explained by the closeness of the Russian advance.....he also states that the Batchka suffered "heavy losses", but offers no explanation as to why or whether the losses were actual dead and wounded, or simply "missing", which is always a good indicator of the desertion rate, or the general operational record of these two divisions. From the cadres sent, it's not clear whether very much was actually expected of these two units, but they were supplied with all the trappings, including signals and anti-aircraft units. Whether the "volunteers" were "pressed" or not is also not covered......in fact, the more I read of these two units, the more it becomes clear that not much was expected of them to start with. Gottlob Berger seems to have selected officers for the cadres that were political, rather than fighting trained........anyhow, these are only first impressions, and more digging will allow a wider view of the entire topic......

    What do YOU think Gothard?............Looks like we may well have to classify these guys as politicals, rather than serious combat units........and lets see if we can find an after action report or two that can shed some further light on their operational record, particularly the desertion rate along with how many were actually listed as MIA, WIA and KIA.

    SKANDERBEG, at least, may well need to stay as SCUM (purple) status.....looks like Kama gets a downgrade to SCUM....and BATCHKA (Bohemen-Maran) a RED unreliable, or depending on what we can find of their operational record,SCUM.........What do you think Got?
  10. Gothard

    Gothard New Member

    Oct 4, 2007
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    31st disbanded the unreliable elements - the fact that they maintained themselves in the field and werent disbanded shows that the german elements were motivated - a. desire for defense of the homeland. b. realization that they were going to be slaughtered if they didnt fight. They were moved north to silesia after the Russians broke the Vistula line and were personnel witnesses to the treatment that they could expect from the russians in the initial counterrattacks. the fact that they were used offensively is a major clue - despite their weaknesses they were definetely highly motivated. The fact that they were fairly succcesful offensively tells even more. A lot of units didnt survive breakouts with any sort of cohesion but they were apparently back in action again within days. Silesia was very close to arms factories so equipment was at hand and the russians were trying to preserve industrial areas to a degree, but the pressure was still intense. The unit suffered its biggest losses to the czech partisans as it fell back towards the us lines and chose to take their chances with the russians instead. They werent a mob - the unit was definetely cohesive until the end. i dont know colors but the unit was fair not poor.
  11. Cate Blanchett

    Cate Blanchett recruit

    Nov 29, 2009
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    OK....31st gets a BLACK rating, (eqivilent to HEER unit)......

    I'll post corrections with credits to you, of course....

    Your help with this has just been astounding!.....TEAM EFFORT PERSONIFIED...

    Where are you, by the way...US....Britain...Europe....from the sounds of it, I would say GERMANY......not many Americans/British/Aussies have such sourcing and knowledge!
  12. Gothard

    Gothard New Member

    Oct 4, 2007
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    Try to remember German Army units - Type 44 and 45 only contained 2 infantry regiments of 2 battalions for a total of 4 Battalions. In addition an Ostruppe Regiment of 2 battalions. for a total of 6 Battalions - 4 german and 2 Russian - the Russian ones being equipped with captured arms. Most had little to no engineers and the at units were romoved at regiment as well as battalion heavy weapons being reduced. these ss units had 3 regiment of 3 Battalions for the most part - all German or ethnic german. for total of 9 german battalions as well as the appropriate heavy weapons at battalion and regiment unlike the Heer counterparts. ( in theory of course ) all armed with german weapons, especially submachine guns and bazookers in adequate numbers. A lot of them were desperate with no home to return to and nothing but death waiting for them.
  13. Gothard

    Gothard New Member

    Oct 4, 2007
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    Ok I've found the mysterious "Bohmen-Mahren" Division.
    It was a divisional sized alarm group formed from various training elements within the Protectorate in response to the Prague uprising - It was defeated by Vlassov's ROA and never reached divisional status due to time constraints. Formation began approximately May 5-6, 1945. Led by SS Oberfuhrer August Wilhelm Trabandt ( commander of the SS panzergrenadier school Kienschlag ) Kampfgruppe Bohmen-Mahren had 3 regiments plus an artillery regiment, Bicycle battalion and an engineer battalion ( Kampfgruppe Wallenstein - SS Oberfuhrer Emil Klein ) which was to link up with the formation but never managed it and instead linked up with the SS Officers school to form its own Kampfverband Wallenstein and operate independently.
    Bohmen Mahren had the following elements:
    1st SS Grenadier Regiment KG Bohmen Mahren - SS Oberfuhrer August Wilhelm Trabandt - co SS panzergrenadier school Kienschlag
    2nd SS Grenadier Regiment KG Bohmen Mahren - Standartenfuhrer Wolfgang Joerchel - co SS Officer School "Prag" murdered by partisans May 12, 1945
    JOERCHEL, Wolfgang Roman Christian Theodor (RK; DKiG)
    (1907 - 1945) http://www.feldgrau.net/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=26675&highlight=wolfgang+joerchel
    Geboren: 19. 08. 1907 in Zaborze (umbenannt in Hindenburg, 1915)
    Hingerichtet am 12. 05. 1945 in Prag

    Beförderungen :

    SS-Staf.: ; SS-OStubaf.: ; SS-Stubaf.: ; SS-HStuf.: ;
    Verwendungen :
    Kdr. SS-Junkerschule "Prag": - 05.1945
    Kdr. SS-Freiwilligen-Grenadier-Regiment 48 "General Seyffardt":
    Kdr., SS-Panzer-Grenadier-Regiment 23 "Norge":
    Kdr. II./SS-Regiment "Germania": 1.12.1940 -
    SS-Standarte "Germania":
    SS-Standarte "Deutschland":
    MG-Lehrer an der SS-Junkerschule Bad Tölz: - 1937
    Eintritt SS-VT als SS-Ostuf.: 10.1935
    SA Service: 05.1934 - 06.1935
    Wehrsportführer in der Hitler-Jugend: ____ - 05.1934

    Bemerkungen :

    Sohn eines Leutnant d.R. der an der Ostfront 1914 bei Tarnawka fiel.
    Machte sein Abitur am Friedrichs Gymnasium, Breslau, 1925. Studierte an der Universität Breslau, inklusive eines Russisch-Kurses.
    Verheiratet , 5 Kinder .

    Auszeichnungen :

    Ritterkreuz des E.K.: 21. 04. 1944 als SS-Ostubaf., Kdr. SS-Freiw.Pz.G.R. 48 "General Seyffardt";
    Deutsches Kreuz in Gold: 1. 03. 1942;
    1939 EK I: 29.07.1940; 1939 EK II: 3.10.1939;
    Ostmedaille; Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Okt. 1938; Spange "Prager Burg"; Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 13. März 1938;
    Ehrendegen des RF SS/Totenkopfring der SS.

    3rd SS Grenadier Regiment KG Bohmen Mahren - Obersturmbannfuhrer Heinrich Horns
    SS Artillerie Regiment KG Bohmen Mahren - Standartenfuhrer Karl Schlamelcher
    SS Radfahr Abteilung Koerner KG Bohmen Mahren - Hauptsturmfuhrer Erhard Koerner

    The unit approached Prague from the west and took part in desultory fighting - being sandwiched between the Americans/Russians and the fleeing ROA.

    Now I'm a little confused as to why there are schools at all in May 45 if training was stopped by Himmler ....
  14. Cate Blanchett

    Cate Blanchett recruit

    Nov 29, 2009
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    Thanks Got....Once again you come up with the goods for the benfit of the site.....Noone does it better my friend!

    Folks....ALL of Gothard's listed changes in the posts you see above are OFFICIAL. His resouces are just so much better than mine....

    Take yet another bow for the crowd, Got....and thanks!
  15. Gothard

    Gothard New Member

    Oct 4, 2007
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    slow down a second - if you read my bottom post ( above the photo of trabandt ) it says he surrendered the Batschka ( 31st SS on May 8 after assuming command in April ) theres a serious conflict there. It also gives his rank as Brigadefuhrer - the answer lies in researching Trabandt more thoroughly. SS-Sturmbannführer August Wilhem Trabandt m.d.F.b. 00.10.43 – 24.01.44
    (* 21.7.1891,SS-Nr. 218852,ab 8.11.43 Ostubaf.u.Kdr, SS-Standfhr.9.11.43, SS-Oberführer 1.7.44,sp.Kdr 18.SS-PGD)


    Trabandt, Wilhelm Waffen-SS SS-Standartenführer 1. SS-Inf.Brig. 06 Jan 1944 Knights Cross


    also ich hab hier folgendes zur Brgade:
    SS-Brigade 1 RFSS (mot.)
    1941 aus dem Stab Befh. Südost der Waffen-SS mit:
    SS-Inf-Rgt.8 RFSS I-III
    SS-Inf.Rgt. 10 RFSS I-III
    Funkkp. und Nachschubtruppen
    1. SS-Inf.Brigade (mot.) seit 1943 mit gleichen Einheiten, Inf. Rgt werden zu Gren-Rgt. dazu:
    SS-Art. Abt SS-Inf.Brig. 1
    SS-Kradschützenkp, SS-Panzerjägerkp., SS-Fla-Kp, SS-Nachrichtenkp der SS-Inf-Brig. 1
    am 12.11.1943 erhalten die Einheiten die Nummern:
    SS-Gren-Rgt. 39 I-III
    SS-Gren-Rgt. 40 I-III
    SS-Art.Abt. 51
    Kradschtz, Panzerj., Fla, Nachrichten 51
    SS-Pz.Grena Ersa. Bataillon 51
    die Nr. 41 wurde ausgelassen da man möglicherweise später ein 3. regiment aufstellte, im januiar 1944 in die SS-Division "Horst Wessel " eingegliedert im Raum Argram - Cilli

    Kampfgruppen wurden durchaus mit Namen des Kommandeurs bezeichnet, aber dieser ?? In welchem Zusammenhang steht er? Habe jetzt nicht bei feldgrau gesucht.
    Ich habe folgende Namen mit Rag am Anfang:
    Ragdern Erwin Unterstuf.
    Ragher Kurt Unterstuf.
    Ragis Arnolds Oberstuf.
    übrigens richtig, in der Feldpostübersicht mit 13/14/16Kp.
    SS Brigaden Reichsführer SS
    Sommer 1941 kommen im Osten fünf aus SS Totenkopf Standarten enstandene SS Inf.Regimenter zum Einsatz
    Rest spar ich mir, da es um Nr. 8 geht
    SS Inf.Regiment 8 ex SS Totenkopfstandarte 8
    Stab 18830
    I Bat. 19087
    II Bat. 19644
    III Bat. 20387
    13.Kp. 20926
    14.Kp. 21135
    16.Kp. 37552
    Flakbatterie 38183
    Funkkompanie SS Brigade 1 - 18610


    jan. 44 he was a standartenfuhrer in the 1SS Mot. Brig. and was awarded the Iron Cross. 1 SS Mot Brig was an extension of the Einsatzgruppe formed from Totonkopf units and its reputation was horrific. The Brig was used to form the 18SS Horst Wessel and he served as Co from Jan 44 to Jan 45 as Brigadefuhrer. We have a reference to him commanding Batschka from April, surrendering in May and also commanding Bohmen Mahren as an Oberfuhrer in May. 3. - 10. Januar 1945 SS-Gruppenführer Josef Fitzthum KIA Auto Accident. SS-Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der Waffen-SS und Polizei Josef Fitzthum - HSSPF Albanien (3. November 1943 bis September 1944)
    http://www.serbianna.com/columns/savich/071.shtml Fitzhum seemed to have a good reputation at reorganizing formations http://www.dws.xip.pl/reich/biografie/41936.html and was involved in many SS Divisions formations during the 1943-44 years http://www.waffen-ss.nl/vwl-e.php . http://www.gutenberg-e.org/esk01/print/esk02.pdf . this was his replacement at Horst Wessel followed by 10. Januar - März 1945 SS-Oberführer Georg Bochmann http://www.johnsonreferencebooks.com/catalogue/misc/thirdreich/23054.htm former commander of Gotz von berlichengen then März - 8. Mai 1945 SS-Standartenführer Heinrich Petersen . So we know he was out on January 3, 1945 - question is where ? The Remants of 18SS went to Doksy after the Budapest disaster They were North of Prague and quite possibly formed one of the Bohmen Mahren Regiments. However the Commander at the time was Petersen and I don't show him commanding one of the groups.

    Attached Files:

  16. Cate Blanchett

    Cate Blanchett recruit

    Nov 29, 2009
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    I DO know of a unit called "battle group Trabandt".....could be the progenitor.

    Info on this battle group seems to have dissappeared entirely....only reference waas from Steve Patrick's original text that lists TRABANDT as part of or cadre for the 37th WaffSSDiv (Lutzow).....

    The research net closes in!
  17. Cate Blanchett

    Cate Blanchett recruit

    Nov 29, 2009
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    I have a new source for this article which has allowed me to fill in more gaps....I'm working on expanding the two Skorzeny unit stories as well, which I'll leave till later....hope you like the changes made....this article is an ongoing project after all...

    And thanks to Gothard once again for his kind suggestions....
  18. Tom Houlihan

    Tom Houlihan Member

    Dec 4, 2007
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    Actually, no. Totenkopf used the death's head (which is how Totenkopf is translated) as a divisional emblem, but that symbol was used on all headgear worn by SS men, Allgemeine and Waffen. Well, except for camouflage M43 Feldmutzen, that is.

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