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Thoughts on what actually made Hitler hate the Jews.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ZeJanIt, Jul 23, 2017.

  1. KJ Jr

    KJ Jr Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2014
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    New England
    On the contrary, I have read both authors works and they are valuable. Did I say lousy?Nope. Please don't put words in my mouth (text) or make ridiculous inferences with no base. But, those texts do support your conclusions, hence why you used them. I on the other hand have read numerous accounts of the same period in history, you know, the entire picture, and have drawn my own conclusions.
  2. green slime

    green slime Member

    Nov 18, 2010
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    5 million copies sold of Mein Kampf would suggest otherwise. The rhetoric of the age, apparent in the printed media, and radio broadcasts, would suggest otherwise.

    People knew. Oh my God, how people knew:

    On October 4th 1933 the Reich Press Law stated that all journalism had to be “racially clean”. Any Jewish and liberal editors and journalists were sacked and all remaining editors had to take a Nazi citizenship test and prove that they were not married to a Jew. Any Jew who owned a newspaper was pressurised into selling out. If any Jewish owner refused to do this, the government banned the production of his newspaper for a few days that could then become weeks and months. By using this tactic, the Nazis hoped to bankrupt Jewish newspaper owners. This is what happened to the Jewish owned publishing house Ullstein. It was taken to the brink of bankruptcy and sold out to Eher Verlag, the Nazi publishing house based in Munich. One of the newspapers acquired by Eher Verlag was ‘Vossische Zeitung’, a celebrated liberal newspaper founded in 1703. To prove to the world that the Nazi government was reasonable, Goebbels allowed the highly respected ‘Frankfurter Zeitung’ a degree of independence from central interference on the understanding that it got rid of its Jewish owners.
    Newspapers in Nazi Germany - History Learning Site

    Nazism pervaded every aspect of society. The lawyers. The Judiciary. The Police, The Press, The Universities, The Medical professions. The Unions were crushed. The Social democrats were crushed. But of course, no one "knew" anything.

    The rhetoric of Anti-semitism, was everywhere. To encourage Jews to emigrate prior to the war, newspapers were encouraged to report stories of violence against the Jews. They were proud of their handiwork. Conditions and treatment of political and Jewish prisoners was reported even in the foreign press already prior to the war.... the numbers of "accidental" deaths was astounding.

    "After the Nazis established their rule, radio propaganda incited anti-Semitic acts and denunciations of Jews to authorities by ordinary citizens. The effect of anti-Semitic propaganda varied depending on the listeners’ predispositions toward the message. Nazi radio was most effective in places where anti-Semitism was historically high and had a negative effect in places with historically low anti-Semitism."
    Radio and the Rise of The Nazis in Prewar Germany,

    "Not sent to the camps?" Can you then please explain the death of Jakob Ehrlich in 1938 at Dachau already in 1938? Or don't bother. I'm not interested in hearing excuses. I can provide more names, but what would the point be? What punishment did those guards receive? Why did they assume they were free to beat someone so badly?

    So, the Nazis have taken over every aspect of society, control the media, and the whole of the German are people are utterly stupid, and do not understand anything. If this is the case, the Germans must have been the most stupid people on the planet.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2017
  3. green slime

    green slime Member

    Nov 18, 2010
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    Jewish prisoners in the Dachau concentration camp

    The interviewer, Aaron Zelman, asks the questions and Theodore Haas answers:

    Q.) How did you end up at Dachau? How old were you?

    A.) November 9th, 1938 was Kristallnacht -- The Night of Broken Glass -- The night Synagogues were ransacked and burned, Jewish owned shops destroyed; I guess you could call it the night the fires of hell engulfed the soul of humanity. I was arrested November 10th, "for my own personal security." I was 21 years old. My parents were arrested and ultimately died in a concentration camp in France. I was released from Dachau in 1941, under the condition that I leave Germany immediately. This was common procedure before the "Final Solution."

    Q.) What did you think when you were sent to Dachau? What did you know about Dachau beforehand?

    A.) My first thoughts were those of many others: "The world has gone mad." I knew that the life expectancy at Dachau was relatively short. I knew beforehand that inmates were abused. The horror of Dachau was known throughout Germany. People (Germans) used to frighten their children, "If you do not behave, you will surely end up at Dachau." A famous German comedian, Weiss Ferdl, said "Regardless how many machine gun towers they have around K.Z. Dachau, if I want to get in, I shall get in." The Nazis obliged him; he died at Dachau.
    While Weiss Ferdl was incarcerated a while, he didn't die at Dachau; He wasn't permitted to perform after 1943, but he survived the war.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2017
  4. wm.

    wm. Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2016
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    The existence of such rhetoric suggests it was badly needed, that the Germans needed brainwashing badly.
    What was written or broadcast didn't reflect what the population thought, for the reason they were censored and centrally managed by Goebbels and his merry men.
    It reflected what Nazi leaders wanted them to thought.

    People knew that some fifthly rich people had been divested of their "ill-gotten" gains, and they liked it. Similarly like today many Americans will be delighted if similar thing happen to their one-percenters.
    Tens of years of brutal communist, socialist, Nazi anti-wealthy propaganda prepared them well for it. The Nazis raged about plutocrats almost as frequently as about Jews, and really against Jews not that frequently, and not that brutally - try to flip through a pre-war German newspaper to see that.
    How much of that delight should be allocated to the fact the rich were of Jewish origin we don't know and it's impossible to establish.

    The Germans were firm believers in Nazism, it's customary to put the number of those firm believers at 35% of all Germans. And fascism and Nazism as a political system weren't entirely about anti-semitism, anti-semitism was one the side-shows ran by the Nazists.
    Italian fascists on the other hands cooperated with the Jews in their efforts to create a Jewish state in Palestine.

    The Nazis wanted to get rid of German Jews as fast as possible.
    This is why, among other things, they signed the so called Haavara Agreement with Jewish organizations in 1933. To make their emigration easier. Most of the German Jews actually emigrated thanks to that agreement.

    Pre-war it wasn't the Jews who were mostly dying there but political opponents of the Nazis. And actually even during the war the German Jews were a small minority among the prisoners.
    Pre-war the conditions in those camp weren't bad (especially in comparison with the Soviet concentration camps), they became horrendous after the war started.

    Please, if you are asking such elementary questions I'm afraid you don't know much about those times.
    A Nazi or Soviet guard could execute any prisoner for refusing to carry out his order - on the spot. He was the judge, jury and executioner.

    Of course they have taken, totalitarian ideologies generally like to take over everything, and the Germans liked it.
    The pre-Nazi, the so called democratic Weimar period was seen as nothing but suffering. The Russians liked their communism, the Italians their fascism, the Spanish their falangism.
    Political parties, ideologies are generally most popular in the first years of their existence.
    The Germans weren't stupid, the Nazis delivered on their promises and made their lives easier, better and worthwhile - so they supported them. All 35% of them.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2017
  5. wm.

    wm. Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2016
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    The so called pre-war horrors were virtual paradise in comparison with what was going on there during the war. And in comparison with Soviet, Japanese, or even Spanish camps.
    And even during the war Dachau and Buchenwald were considered the best camps.
    Pre-war more people was dying in industrial accidents that in those camps. In the case of Dachau it was less than a prisoner per day.
  6. green slime

    green slime Member

    Nov 18, 2010
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    Now you are sounding like a holocaust denier. You may want to reconsider your statement.

    Comparing a population of millions of workers in Industry, with the thousands of incarcerated in the KZ's, is really bad, and an obvious manipulation of facts.
    wm. likes this.
  7. green slime

    green slime Member

    Nov 18, 2010
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    And you would have us believe you know more? For evidence against your self-adoring implication, I merely point to your posts.

    PS: Look up, "rhetorical question"....
  8. wm.

    wm. Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2016
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    Well, it's a good argument it's millions against thousands.
    But still it means that the everyday German probably knew or heard about someone killed or injured at his work, but didn't know anybody killed or maimed in a concentration camp. And most likely didn't give a damn about it, in both cases.

    It should be remembered that pre-war people weren't sent to the camps to be killed, the intention was to "educate" them through work and hardship. Most of them actually were sent home after a few months or years.
    The best period to be in a KZ and survive was before the war started.
    Many people around the world, seeing the impotence of courts and police regarded concentration camps/gualgs to be a good idea.
    Many visited the camps (sometimes gulags) and were impressed by them.
  9. KJ Jr

    KJ Jr Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2014
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    New England
    Some, not all. Jews were never in line to be "educated." From the moment National Socialism took over Germany there was no attempt to educate them. Why on earth would thousands upon thousands of people of Jewish ancestry flee their country? Why would there be mass deportations? I am sorry, but preaching that anti-Semitism didn't exist in Europe is close to revisionist history. Distorting and inflating facts and numbers to prove your point is a similar scheme we all know to well around here. Take it easy, you are crossing troubled waters. I have no doubt your knowledge of the ghettos is substantial as I have read many of your posts and found your thread on the matter very enlightening. But the overall picture is a bit skewed.
  10. green slime

    green slime Member

    Nov 18, 2010
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    1) Idle speculation has no place
    2) Many Jewish deaths were published in the Nazi media, print and radio; they boasted about them.

    You are missing the point utterly. The judiciary was so corrupted, there was little respite to be found there for Jews. Businesses were appropriated. Whole occupations banned to Jews. Atrocities against Jews were reported on, to get Jews to leave. This was common knowledge. Not some dark conspiracy no one knew about.

    1) Irrelevant. Jews were incarcerated and released when they promised to leave Germany, IF they could afford to pay.
    2) Jews were still treated far worse, brutally beaten, shot "trying to escape", hung "Found hanging in cell", tortured and died.
    3) Impressed visitors doesn't mean much in an autocratic system with the ability to dress a stage...

    One of the first signs of a “new era” had been the disassociation of former friends. Memoirs are replete with personal disappointments.11 One woman reported that she had stopped attending a monthly café circle in the city of Dortmund, not wanting to embarrass her non-Jewish friends. One day she met one of the women, who assured her they would all welcome her. However, when she arrived at the café, she found no-one. But, “I couldn’t blame them. Why should they have risked the loss of their jobs only to prove to me that Jews could still have friends in Germany?” Moreover, she understood the processes at work: “With each day of the Nazi regime, the abyss between us and our fellow citizens grew larger. Friends whom we had loved for years did not know us anymore.” Organizations, too, swiftly expelled Jewish members and friends even before they were forced to do so. Philosopher Hannah Arendt concluded: “Our friends nazified themselves!” As Germans increasingly treated each other with reserve and suspicion, many broke emphatically with Jews.

    Between 1933 and 1939, various players in the Nazi regime had sought a solution to their self-imposed “Jewish question” within the framework of the expanding boundaries of the Third Reich. The victims were first German, then also Austrian and Czech, Jews; the ultimate goal—as articulated by the SS in 1935—was the creation of a Germany “free of Jews.” This was to be achieved by emigration, coerced through an escalating persecution that would convince Jews that they had no future in Germany and thus had to find a way to leave, despite the ever-raising barriers to immigration elsewhere. Waves of anti-Jewish laws achieved the “civic death” of German Jews in 1933 through the end of legal equality; their “social death” in 1935 through the Nuremberg Laws, which criminalized sexual relations between Jews and Germans; and their “economic death” in 1938–39 by completing the expropriation of Jewish property. All of this persecution through legal measures was accompanied by rituals of exclusion, humiliation, and degradation that climaxed with the unfettered violence, wanton destruction, sporadic killing, and mass arrests of Kristallnacht in November 1938. By 1939, half the Jews of the Third Reich had left, and virtually all the rest were desperate to follow. But they were trapped, first by lack of immigration opportunities, and then by the outbreak of war.​

    Quoted texts from "The Routledge History of the Holocaust."

    People were well aware of the realities faced by the Jews, abandoned former friends, or faced ostracization themselves. Sufficient Anti-semitism existed prior to the Nazi take-over, and it increased over time. Such was the penetration across all aspects of society, and the nature of the media dialogue, there was no claiming to be "unaware". Sufficient numbers supported the laws, the actions, the oppression.
  11. wm.

    wm. Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2016
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    Maybe, then show me a single one.

    Again an example would be helpful.

    After 1938.

    And this was such a tragedy that you expect the Germans to stage a revolution because of that?
    Please read some memories written by a German worker, peasant, or farmhand not by another member of the German elites. How hard and brutaly their lives were, especially the lives of German women - in comparison with our lives.

    Read my lips: the German workers, i.e. majority of Germans didn't give a shit about café circles. If something bad happened to some café circle aficionado be it a Jew or a German he/she would smile in delight.
  12. green slime

    green slime Member

    Nov 18, 2010
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    What utter bollocks.

    Spoken like a true denier.

    The "accidental" deaths at Dachau increased already in 1933. Why does that date feel familiar? The same year Hitler came to power, and the SS took over the running of the camp. Must be a coincidence then.

    "In the afternoon of 16 May 1933 the police station Dachau formed the State Prosecution that an inmate of the concentration camp Dachau, the merchant Louis Schloss, from Nurnberg widowed, born on 21 June 1889, has hanged him-self in, solitary confinement. At the request of the state prosecution, on the same day the legal inspection was performed with the assistance of the state court physician with the state Court Munich II. As it was proven that the corpse exhibited numerous whip marks and as the cause of death appeared doubtful, an autopsy was carried out on 17 May 1933., According to a preliminary certificate of the participating physicians, the autopsy did not prove death by hanging".


    "On 17 May 1933, Leonhard Hausmann from Augsburg, 31 years old, married, relief worker, who was kept in protective custody in the Dachau concentration camp, was shot by SS Staff Sergeant Karl Ehmann. According to the account of the latter, Hausmann was to dig out young fir trees in the woods in the vicinity of the camp and pile them up on a certain spot. He was supervised by Ehmann. Suddenly the latter did not see him anymore. Therefore Ehmann looked after the prisoners and saw him running away in a stooped position, Ehmann ran after him, called 'Halt' several times, once also 'Stop,' but in vain. Whereupon Ehmann raised his pistol at the prisoner and fired without aiming; Hausmann dropped dead. Ehmann asserts that he fired from a distance of 10 to 12 meters.

    "The corpse was inspected already on 17 May 1933 with the assistance of the State court physician. It was found that death was due to a shot through the left side of the chest. According to the autopsy protocol, the shot was fired from a distance less than 1 meter. Meanwhile the legal-medical institute ascertained that the distance was less than 30 cm."


    "On 24 May 1933 the 30 year old, single, attorney at law, Dr. Alfred Strauss from Munich who was in the concentration camp Dachau as a prisoner under protective custody was killed by 2 pistol shots from SS man Johann Kantschuster who escorted him on a walk outside of the fenced part of the camp prescribed to him by the camp doctor."​

    "Kantschuster gives the following report: He himself had to urinate; Strauss proceeded on his way. Suddenly Strauss broke away towards the shrub located at a distance of about 6 m from the line. When he noticed it, he fired 2 shots at the fugitive from a distance of about 8 m, whereupon Strauss collapsed dead."
    "On the same day, 24 May 1933, a judicial inspection of the locality took place. The corpse of Strauss was Iying at the edge of the wood. Leather slippers were on his feet. He wore a sock on one foot, while the other foot was bare, obviously because of an injury to this foot. Subsequently an autopsy was performed. Two bullets had entered the back of his head. Besides, the body showed several black and blue spots (Blutunterlaufung) and also open wounds."


    There are plenty more names of extrajudicial victims, "shot while escaping" / "Found hanging in cell" by the Nazi-German brutes running the camp.

    Note that, in those early days, the total corruption of the judicial system was not yet complete.

    But thanks for pointing out that Der Stürmer's lurid content appealed to a large spectrum of readers who were lower class and less-sophisticated.

    Public Billboard with Der Stürmer content, 1934...

    The Poisonous Mushroom...

    1 million sold.
  13. wm.

    wm. Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2016
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    That game was unique, the only one produced ever - and was created in 1938 (by a private company).
    Do you remember that I always say 1938 was as important point in history? This was the first year the German Jews were sent to KZs in large numbers - to give them a reason to emigrate.
    But do you know what the Nazi press wrote about the game at that time? they actually didn't like it:

    This invention ... is almost a punishable idea, perfectly suitable as grist to the mills of hate of the international Jewish journaille, who would show around such a piece of mischief as a proof for the childish efforts of the nazistic Jew-haters with a diabolic smirk, if it would appear before her crooked nose.
    Jews out! yes of course, but also rapidly out of the toy-boxes of our children, before they are led into the dreadful error that political problems are solved with the dice cup.
    Das Schwarze Korps, December 1938

    What do you mean by it was the same year. Dachau was created by the Nazis (precisely by Himmler). It didn't exist earlier.
    As I've written, statistically before the war probably a person died there every day (most of those deaths happened in 1938/39). What are you want to prove by your examples?
    People died, some from natural causes, many were helped. As you see from your examples they even weren't Jews.
    What is your point anyway?
    Are you expect the Germans to rebel because in some prison strangers died from time to time?
    It was not going to happen.
    Did the British rebel when their government put over million Kenyans in concentration camps with horrible lost of life?
    Exactly, and it was a free country.

    I've asked for examples of:
    "Many Jewish deaths were published in the Nazi media, print and radio; they boasted about them."
    because I personally don't know it's true or not.

    From the German articles about Jews I've seen I give 0% chance that a statement: "that filthy Jew is death, we helped them to die, rejoice" was published in German mainstream or local press. I give 5% chance it was published in "Der Stürmer".
    It's just a game of chance, nothing personal.
  14. green slime

    green slime Member

    Nov 18, 2010
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    Please do not feign ignorance, especially so few posts after you were belittling other people's knowledge.

    Yes, Dachau was created when the Nazis took over.

    The official opening was 20 March 1933. The first group of so-called protective-custody, consisting mainly of Communists and Social Democrats was brought to the camp on 22 March 1933. They were guarded by Bavarian state police until the camp was taken over by the SS on 11 April 1933.

    This is typical of how the Nazis operated. Subvert the process and secure the asset.

    As the German state was already incarcerating Communists, and other "dissidents" prior to the Nazi takeover, and in that process, even recording their religion:

    Am 19. Oktober 1931 verhaftete die Polizei Ernst Goldmann bei einer Versammlung der KPD gegen den § 218 in der Wirtschaft „Goldenes Lamm“ mit dem Vorwurf der Teilnahme an einer verbotenen politischen Versammlung. Er und 29 weitere Teilnehmer wurden beschuldigt, gegen die Verordnung des Reichspräsidenten zur Bekämpfung politischer Ausschreitungen vom 6. Oktober 1931 verstoßen zu haben. Im Vernehmungsprotokoll notierte die Polizei zur Person:​
    „ledig, bayerischer Staatsbürger, israelitisch, vermögens- und erwerbslos, kein Einkommen“.

    Is it any wonder then, that Ernst Goldmann was one of those whom happened to die before the war even started in one of those "accidental deaths" Bolshevik-Marxist-Jews were prone to do after the Nazis took over?

    What happened, was precisely the level of news to maintain plausible deniability, but underline the unspoken threat.

    Look how long it took the SS for people in their "protective custody" to have all sorts of "accidents."

    Notice of people dying during an "Attempt to Escape Dachau"

    Kommunisten bei einem fluchtveriuch aus dem Dachauer Koncentrationslager erichoffen.
    Um mittwochnachmittag unternahmen, wie der Polizeibericht mitteilt, veir im konzentrationslager Dachau untergebrachte kommunisten einen Fluchtversuch. Da fie auf halt!-Rufe der Posten nicht hörten, gaben die Posten schüffe av, wobei drei kommunisten getötet und einer ichwer verlekt
    Fürther Anzeiger vom 13.4.1933​

    Reported 2 days after the SS takeover....

    But you can rumage the media archives yourself, if you really want to know, rather making false requests. Note that those "Communists" were not the same people mentioned earlier in this thread, that also had "accidental" deaths while in the care of Nazis.

    You don't have to delve too deeply into the rhetoric of Goebbels' speeches, to see what he thought.

    Nazi-Germany was always testing the waters, trying to see how much it could get away with. If the Gauleiters reported dissatisfaction or discomfort at some activity, it was adjusted.
  15. GunSlinger86

    GunSlinger86 Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2013
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    They targeted Jews as a scapegoat for WWI, and as Jewish people do conduct biz with anyone anywhere, and before they had their own country again, they were a scapegoat. They were big capital and Communist. Like a puppet master.
    toki2 likes this.
  16. wm.

    wm. Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2016
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    Well, not quite Hitler became a rabid anti-Jewish conspiracy theorist before the WW1.

    He didn't like big capital, plutocrats, and communists but he wasn't afraid of them especially of German communists - who he said weren't much different from the Nazis and easily swayable to his cause.

    He thought the Jews were destined by Nature to be a destructive force, like cancer - and that was bad because such people couldn't be reason with, could be rescued, and they couldn't even rescued themselves. The worst criminals could have been resocialized, but not the Jews. The best could have been done was to get rid of them.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2017
  17. wm.

    wm. Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2016
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    Of course they were. It's a fact Nazi thugs killed, massacred, tortured, imprisoned their opponents by thousands in 1933. Even then detailed reports of those who survived the ordeal were published by Western press.
    And you've shown himself most of those people weren't Jews, or weren't persecuted because they were Jews.

    Then there was the anti-Jewish boycott of 1933 which hugely backfired because the German themselves didn't support it, and because of huge international pressure.
    Then the Jews were quickly purged from all government positions and from government controlled professions.
    Then nothing interesting happened (except the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin) till 1938 when maybe about 100 Jews were killed during the Kristallnacht and many thousands sent to concentration camps.
    It was all downwards since then.

    But still what is the point of all of this?
    Before 1938 even for Jews, life in Germany was a virtual paradise in comparison with life in the USSR, China, Ethiopia, Mexico. It was better to be a Jew in Germany than a Black-African in the South. More blacks were lynched per year there than Jews were killed in Germany.

    I understand - I was bad for a Jewish teacher to become a supermarket clerk. It was bad to have to leave Germany, their real fatherland, and have to relocate to the US, France or Britain.
    But still before the WW2 Germany didn't turn into such a murderous shithole like for example the USSR was, and that was in large part because the German people didn't support outward persecution of "their" Jews.
    Even in 1938 there were still about 40,000 Jewish businesses in Germany.
  18. green slime

    green slime Member

    Nov 18, 2010
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    The boycott didn't "backfire." Had it done so, they would not have continued with their tirade against Jewry.

    "Throughout Germany, acts of violence against individual Jews and Jewish property occurred; the police intervened only rarely."
    Background & Overview of the Anti-Jewish Boycott
    Several more things did happen.
    March 1935: Jews barred from serving in the German armed forces. And the armed forces whimpered in accommodation.
    September 1935 "Nuremberg Laws": first anti-Jewish racial laws enacted; Jews no longer considered German citizens; Jews could not marry Aryans; nor could they fly the German flag. And the legal professions whimpered and remained as limp as ever.
    March 1936: Jewish doctors barred from practicing medicine in German institutions. And the medical community whimpered and within a few years was enjoying the atrocities with oodles of "marvelous" experiments.

    While the people were ostensibly arrested for political activities, they were subjected to worse treatment in the camps if they were Jewish. Thus, those "accidental deaths" inflicted Jews disproportionately. Never mind the rhetoric equating Communism to a Jewish conspiracy.

    It is not just the prejudice was now brazenly opened and encouraged, but the cowardly attitude displayed by so many Germans that afterwards claimed they disagreed with the prejudice. Well, afterwards, it was too late! The Lawyers that stopped defending their clients, the Judges that passed sentences, the actions of the police. The medical profession. Autopsies "unable to prove death by hanging." A coward's verdict. Anti-Semitism existed and was occurring before Hitler came to power, but it accelerated afterwards. Everyone acquiescing to the madness, and yet pretending to "not know" or "secretly" disapproving. Well, if it wasn't expressed in time, it was useless and cowardly. Please don't paint the Germans as stupid, nor as unjustly afflicted. The masses were swayed (and responded particularly well in Breslau), to the lies and attraction of simple answers blaming Communist-Jews.

    1933 wasn't "just voting for a better life" it was voting for "a Fascist life", and "A life free from Communist-Jew influence."

    When the Jewish press complains how the National Socialist movement is being allowed to speak on all German radio stations because of its chancellor, then we can answer that we're just doing what you have always done in the past.

    That wasn't just an empty phrase when in previous years we declared that you Jews are our teachers and we just want to be your students and learn from you.

    Moreover, it must be determined that what these gentlemen achieved in the field of propaganda politics during the last 14 years was really a piece of bungling! Despite their control of the mass media all they could do was cover current parliamentary scandals which were useless for forming a new political base. The National Socialist movement will show them how they actually should have handled it.

    Namely, one has to govern well - then good propaganda will follow. One goes with the other. A good government without propaganda can scarcely stand any better than good propaganda without a good regime. They have to complement each other.

    And if the Jewish press today believes that it can make veiled threats against the National Socialist movement, and if they believe that they can get around our defensive measures they shouldn't keep lying. For one day our patience will reach its end and the Jews' insolent lying mouths will be shut for them!

    And if other Jewish newspapers are of the opinion that they can now, with flags flying, swing over to our side, then we can only give them the answer: Please don't go to any great expense!

    Moreover, our SA men and party comrades can be calm. The hour for the end of the red terror will come sooner than we all think. For who can deny that the Bolshevik press lies when the Rote Fahne [Red Flag], this piece of Jewish insolence, dares to assert that our comrade Maikowski and the policeman Zauritz were shot by our own comrades?

    The Jewish insolence has lived longer in the past than it will live in the future. And soon we will teach the gentlemen of the Karl Liebknecht House a thing or two they have never been taught before.

    I just wanted to settle with the enemy press and the enemy parties and say to them personally what I want to say over all German radio stations to the other millions of people.
    -Goebbels 10th February 1933​
  19. wm.

    wm. Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2016
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    And this was bad?
    That was the greatest thing that could have happened to them (re. Stalingrad).

    Yes, it was like that. But still I'm ready to bet that a Jew was more likely to be killed in a road accident than by the Nazis - of course pre-1939.

    It was too late in 1933 - after the Enabling Act had been passed.

    As I've said the Nazis promised a better future and delivered. In politics is impossible to rule long term by pure rhetorics only.
    For the Germans, more importantly for the German workers better life was more important than a Jew barred from his governmental job - that's all.

    How many people did protest when your government put "the Japs" in concentration camps?
    Exactly. As they say people who live in glass houses...
    Don't assume strangers do care for you, or your well being. Because they don't.

    And I think you should try to live in a totalitarian country for a month or two.
    I believe you are a very courageous man, but I guarantee you nothing will be left from your courage after the first week.
  20. wm.

    wm. Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2016
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    This is what Hitler wrote about Jews in his "second" Mein Kampf.
    In short he believed the Jews were destined to try to dominate other people, first by economic means then politically - so they had to be stopped.

    The sequel wasn't published during his lifetime. It's believed the main reason was that Mein Kampf was very difficult to sell, so the new book would have fared even worse. In 1928 when he wrote the new book they managed to sell only about 3000 Mein Kampfs in the entire Germany.
    Even later Mein Kampf was mostly given away, or bought because people without it were treated with suspicions. Almost nobody read it.

    The Jews, although they are a people whose core is not entirely uniform in terms of race, are nevertheless a people with certain essential particularities that distinguish it from all other peoples living on the earth. Judaism is not a religious community; rather, the religious ties between the Jews are in reality the current national constitution of the Jewish people. The Jew has never had his own territorially defined state like the Aryan states. Nonetheless, his religious community is a real state because it ensures the preservation, propagation, and future of the Jewish people. But this is the job of the state alone.

    The Jewish people, because of its lack of productive capabilities, cannot carry out the territorially conceived formation of a state; instead, it needs the labor and creative activities of other nations to support its own existence. The existence of the Jew himself thus becomes a parasitic existence within the life of other peoples. The ultimate goal of the Jewish struggle for survival is the enslavement of productively active peoples. To reach this goal - which, in reality, the Jews' struggle for survival has represented throughout the ages - the Jew uses every weapon that is in accordance with the entirety of his character.

    In this process, stupidity, cowardice, and wickedness play into his hands. Bastards provide him the first opening to break into a foreign ethnic community.
    Jewish domination always ends with the decline of all culture and ultimately of the insanity of the Jew himself. Because he is a parasite on the peoples, and his victory means his own end just as much as the death of his victim.

    Around the turn of the century, the Jew's economic conquest of Europe is fairly complete; he now begins with securing it politically. That is to say, the first attempts to eradicate the national intelligentsia are undertaken in the form of revolutions.
    He uses the European peoples' tension - most of which is attributable to their general need for space and the consequences that arise from it - to his advantage by systematically agitating for world war.

    This goal in the Jewish struggle has at least to some degree been completely achieved. Czarism and Kaiserism in Germany have been eliminated. With the help of the Bolshevik Revolution, the Russian upper class and also the national intelligentsia were - with inhuman torture and barbarity - murdered and completely eradicated.

    Only the future will tell to what extent this has succeeded and to what extent the natural forces of reaction will now be able to bring about a change in this most terrible crime of all time against humanity.
    At the moment he is attempting to steer the remaining states into the same situation. He is supported in his efforts and activities and backed by the bourgeois nationalist parties of the so-called nationalist patriotic associations, while the Marxists, the Democrats, and the so-called Christian Center appear as offensive combat troops.

    The fiercest struggle over the victory of the Jews is currently taking place in Germany. Here it is the National Socialist movement alone that has taken up the fight against this execrable crime against humanity.

    from: Hitler's Second Book: The Unpublished Sequel to Mein Kampf - Unabridged, by Adolf Hitler (Author), Gerhard L. Weinberg (Editor)
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2017

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