Hi Stefan, Its just common sense- I`m an RAF reenactor and even i`ll tell my members not to speak to the press. Matt
Well said Martin. I have attended for years & the beeb sadly allowed a real distortion of 'War and Peace' to be aired, where everything with a swastika on was filmed and virtually none of the huge majority of other stuff on show and on sale was included. Most all of Beltring's hugely positive feel was excluded. It's the largest vehicle show in the world, can anyone be surprised that a miniscule minority of attendees are scum? Not unlike any other large event/organisation. Was there any mention of Johnson Beharry's attendance? If there was I missed it, they of course concentrated on the tiny grubby (and near universally avoided) little traders tent that Irving occupied rather than the dense and cheerful crowd in the beertent hearing the hesitant tones of the latest recipient of the Victoria Cross. I just hope it doesn't make the organisers already incredibly difficult job any harder or damage the show in any way with this 'chattering classes' sensationalist approach. Cheers, (a rather irate) Adam.
Hi Adam, Its to do with the Euros banning the displaying of the Swastika, and the fact living history groups and militaria dealers still display/ wear and sell the hated symbol. They didn`t show any of the allied side or asked Allied reenactors what they thought of the German waffenSS. This stale arguement has been going on for years... SS units have been banned from Railway events etc. Anyway with any war reenactment , you need good guys and bad guys too, for a accurate representation of what happened. This documentry will have no effect on War and Peace or ww2 events, they`ll just ban the t.v reporters from them to stop irate Germans running them down in a tiger/t55 tank. Matt
The odd thing is that they all too happy with things like ECW re-enactors chanting anti-Catholic slogans etc. What really made me laugh was when he said there was no representation of the political side and yet imagine what they would have put on the program had there been someone in 'political uniform.'
This used to be one of my points about the ambiguities of reenacting any period. I've shouted the most bizarre stuff during ECWS events years ago, alongside people who would easily criticise any German reenactor while refusing to acknowledge that their beloved Cromwell had his moments of nailing people to walls etc. Louis Theroux is the man to talk to the SS chaps, rather than Mr Sweeney's blunt and uninspired tabloid style attack. Cheers, Adam.
Been having some fun looking back at old threads. It's good tosee that, after all the hysteria, plus a near-disastrous change of venue and organisers, 'Beltring' is back where it always was. OK, so you can't pick up a Panzerfaust tube for £10 any more, but it's still a great event to browse on a hot July day. Here's a pic from this year...