It stunk, great CG work, ok background scenes. Poor plot, bad information on the reason for the mission, ect. American slant, and totally wrong historically. Why redo a story of total fiction? Why not do one about the British actually capturing the first U-boat Enigma? That was pretty harrowing as well!
That would be quite interesting! I agree with you on that, have a film about the real deal. I think the plot was okay The info about the mission was so weird it's funny. It could've been like 5 year old chalk drawn. It has it's mispoints, but I still enjoy the movie!
I enjoy Kelly's Heros, and Where Eagles Dare, and The Dirty Dozen but that is fiction. As is this. That is where the plot fails, it is too "wrong" for those who know anything about WW2 to appreciate. Enjoy away, there are a great number of "bad history" movies I enjoy, with the exception of a couple. Pearl Harbor leaps to the fore.
Do you believe the film was created for the setting and action? As the same would go for Pearl Harbor. Shoot two of my Great granddad's were in Pearl Harbor, im named after one.
Only good part of the movie was when Bon Jovi got creamed by that flying hatch cover. I do. Jon Mostow (the director) went on record in an interview saying that he wanted U-571 similar to the likes of those wartime or immediately post-war films about sub combat. One thing he was right about though. A lot of those submariners were as young as you see in the movie.
There are several threads about this movie already in here. You will find out what many people think about that movie and such if you visit those threads and read them? Best regards--Arnold Schwarzeneggers pet Elf--Flicka. PS, as I said in every one of those threads, this movie is pure FICTION based on the fact that there was a WWII that really happened.
here's a list of some of the better sub movies.. Submarine in the Movies and TV: On SubmarineSailor.Com
Keep in mind that the movie was made for entertainment and to make money, not to be an accurate historical documentary. Also, if the movie was made with the British as the protagonists, it wouldn't sell here in the US. So the storyline, which was loosely based on an event that happened, was altered to where the Americans were the heroes to make money.
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