You people are costing me a fortune ! Somewhere on this site - sorry, I just can't find it again! - someone highly recommended Patrick Agte's 'Jochen Peiper : Commander Panzerregiment Leibstandarte' under the J J Federowicz imprint. Well, this week Foyle's ( London's biggest bookstore ) laid in fresh stocks of JJF titles and seeing this title, I bought it, for a lot more than I usually spend on a book. But this must have been a labour of love for Agte. On just a first 'flick through' the photographic research alone is stunning - shots of Peiper and Wittmann together, for instance, which I've never seen before. I shall save this one for a rainy day ! It's a harsh thing to say, but what a pity that the last writer to interview Peiper was ... Charles Whiting
AAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! What a waste.... Talking about JJF...I recently picked up GRENADIERS by Kurt Meyer for a mere $10....Miracles do happen, Martin!
Patrick Agte--yesss, I know THAT name well. One cannot get any worthwhuile info from him unless you pay him a small fortune. I ran into that problem about 4 years ago. [ 01 July 2002, 01:22 PM: Message edited by: C.Evans ]
It is very unfortunate that for some quality info....oversized books, that we the consumer have to pay such prices, but this seems to be the trend in the year 2000's.....I am personally dreading the price of our book when it is going to be printed in 2 large volumes ! As for Patrick, I can believe it. I have heard of some very negative responses from him and other W-SS representatives, 17th SS comes to mind. I guess a person gnerally needs to be of Germanic origin or relative or at least know the inside of the organization attempting to be contacted. E