As the other thread was already overloaded... For a start: Who was the highest ranking Swedish W-SS officer?
Ooppss Sorry! Been a bit enjoying the Finnish weather in the countryside for a while... Ok, question: Who said on whom: "He gave the Waffen-SS a style and a espirit de corps which may possibly be compared only with Napoleon's Imperial Guard."
He joined the SS May 1, 1940, and was definitely the most famous Sturmbannführer (however not for this rank, nor his SS membership). Who?
Hint: He had very remarkable, but not crucial, influence on WW2, but he made his main career after the war, and not in Germany.
Wrong spelling, right solution. Wernher von Braun was SS-Sturmbannführer... not many people know this.
That was definately an answer full completely with luck! My question is: When was SS Junkerschule at Bad Tölz created?
It's good to see you around here once more, Ike! Hope you're doing fine! And about the exact date. I'm not sure. I have been trying to research but nothing has come up yet except that there was a 1934-1935 generation-class of WSS officers, so I suposse it could have been stablished in half or late 1933? Anyway, next question is yours, PzJgr!
Thank you my friend. All is well and I am glad to be back. Greetings to all forum members. Question: Who was the leader of the SS contigent of the Spanish volunteers? Rank and Last name would suffice.