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Warsaw Uprising 1944 Polish Diary

Discussion in 'Eastern Europe February 1943 to End of War' started by Bolshevik, Nov 4, 2022.

  1. LRusso216

    LRusso216 Graybeard Staff Member

    Jan 5, 2009
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    Thanks for posting this. I have read several books on the uprising, but this first-hand account provides a wealth of information that was missing in my reading.
  2. Bolshevik

    Bolshevik Active Member

    Apr 9, 2022
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    No worries Mr Russo. More to come. Translation just using Google translator is a little bit slow. Sometimes when you overload the translator you have to take several photos of the text, as the machine sometimes gives a literal translation rather than what is written.
    I am also careful to get the spelling correct for the names.
    Also, the translator sometimes doesn't give you the meanings in English, so I have to work hard to look around for them.

    It's a little slow, but the results will be worth my time.

    I'm also going to start a discussion when we get to the end of the diary about the lack of Soviet activity to assist the revolt. I'm going to ask for opinions from persons like yourself Mr Russo that have read about this and what the Rogues can dig up about the why's and wherefores of the lack of Soviet activity.

    Anyway, more to come day by day

  3. Bolshevik

    Bolshevik Active Member

    Apr 9, 2022
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    1944... August....Day 16.
    E 5.16 W 20.16. 16°C. Slightly cloudy. Vistula 115cm.

    Wednesday 16th.....Stefan Roch..(Stefana Rocha)

    All the morning the enemy has been using sustained harrassing artillery and mortar fire on the Old Town.

    The Germans manage to take over the Canonesses Convent at Teatralny Square. Attempts to recapture it fail.
    Major Mieczyslaw Chyzynski, "Pelka", repels strong enemy attacks on the Polish Security Printing Works at Sanguszk street. The attack is launched from Rubaki and Zakroczymska streets.
    The continued German assault on the Old Town breaks down before the fiercely defended barricades at the intersection of Podwale, Piwina and Swietojanska streets.

    At night, the battalions "Czata 49" (Watch 49) and "Zoska" (Nose) undertake an attack a day late, aimed at connecting with troops from Kampinos. "Czata 49" displaces the Germans from Stawki street and holds the position for three hours, but is forced to withdraw in the absence of any support from Powzaki.
    The attack of "Zoska" collapses in the vicinity of Nalewki st.
    The Germans maintain their assault on northern Srodmiecie.
    Major Alfons Kotowski, "Okon"(Horse), arrives in the vicinity of Laski, tasked with assuming command of the Kampinos forest troops and organisation of relief for the fighting capital.
    Two outstanding poets die under the rubble of the tenement house at Przejazd St. Cadet Zdzislaw Leon Stroinski, "Chmura" (Cloud), and his friend Tadeusz Gajey, " Topor", (Axe).

    Premier Josef Stalin informs both Prime Ministers Winston Churchill and Mikolajcyk that the Soviet Union is cutting itself off from involvement in the Warsaw brawl.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2022
  4. LRusso216

    LRusso216 Graybeard Staff Member

    Jan 5, 2009
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  5. Bolshevik

    Bolshevik Active Member

    Apr 9, 2022
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    Also, before I post more, here is a list of the English translation of codenames that I could find. From now on I will endeavour to do this as I go. I have to go back and insert these translations into the text so that others don't get confused.

    Some words the translator doesn't seem to want to co-operate. But these are what I could find.

    "Bor" - Boron.
    "Monter"- The Fitter.
    "Zywiciel"- Host.
    "Waligora"- Valigor.
    "Dolina"- Valley
    "Sosna"- Pine.
    " Hala"- Hall
    "Basta"- Enough
    "Przegonia"- Disappointment
    "Jas"- Yes...this was the first name given to the captured armoured personnel carrier. Name was changed to "Grey wolf".
    " Jezyki"- Languages
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2022
  6. Bolshevik

    Bolshevik Active Member

    Apr 9, 2022
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    1944... August....Day 17.
    E 5.38 W 20.14... 20°C... Sunny in morning, clear during the day, cloudy in evening. Vistula 109cm.

    Thursday 17.... Jack Julianna ( Jacka Julianny)

    Enemy firing hard at the Old Town, demolishing tenement houses and among others, the Cathedral of St. John Of The Blessed Virgin Mary in the New Town and the Town Hall at Teatralny Square.
    Luftwaffe bombs the Old Town and Miodowa street, Kapucynska and Hipoteczna streets.
    Strong artillery fire reaches the Polish Paper Factory at Sanguszko street. In the afternoon, in Muranow area, German infantry under cover of tanks attack from the Gdansk Railway Station and Fort Traugutt to the Tram Depot. Units defending are Lt. Jan Szypowski's "Lesnik" and elements of "Czata 49" Battalion. Defenders repel the attacks.
    During the evening, the Germans attack the barricade at Leszno street using a group of women as cover. Insurgents manage to stop the attack.
    The Germans make another attempt to capture northern Srodmiecie. They attack from the north along these streets - Zelazna, Walicow, Ciepla, Rynkowa and Graniczna.
    From the south, from the area of Starynkiewicza Square, shelling is carried out against the Railway House and the Post Station. Insurgents successfully repel attacks.
    The Germans manage to capture the Police Barracks at Cieplej St. and food warehouses of the
    "Pluton" company at Grzybowska street.
    Also in the afternoon the enemy attacks from the Saskia Gardens towards Krowlewska and Marszalkkowska. Around 9pm, thanks to reinforcements arriving on time, the Germans are pushed back to their jump-off positions.
    In the southern city center, the permanent battlefield is the Polna- Polytechnika-Wspola area.

    "Monter" manages the region of Siele and Sadyba. He is also preparing to co- operate with insurgent troops breaking through to Warsaw from the Chojnowskie forests.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2022
  7. Bolshevik

    Bolshevik Active Member

    Apr 9, 2022
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    1944... August...Day 18.
    W 5.39 E 20.12 ...21°C... Sunny.. Vistula 103cm.

    Friday 18th.....Helen Ilona. ( Heleny Ilony)

    Since morning the Luftwaffe has been bombing the Old Town, especially around Market Square and the Bank of Poland on Bielanska street. Strong artillery and mortar fire is underway in the vicinity of PWPW at Sanguszko street, St. John Of God hospital at Bonifraterska and Muranow.
    Fierce fighting is going on for the area of the Tram Depot at Sierakowska st., where the units of Jan Szypowski's "Lesnik" suffer heavy losses. The commander himself is seriously wounded.
    The area of Castle Square also suffers from enemy fire.
    Podwale, Piwina and Swietojerska are on fire.
    Fighting takes place in the vicinity of the cathedral,
    Miodowa and Podwale all day long.

    In Srodmiecie, CPT. Waclaw Stykowski "Hal" takes advantage of the enemy's momentary passivity, and as a result of a successful attack displaces the Germans from the line of Grzybowska street towards Krochmalna. The insurgents regain the Police barracks at Ciepla street and the warehouses of the Pluton company at Grzybowska street.
    In the southern part of Srodmiecie, the fourth day of severe fighting for the vast area of the University of Technology is taking place. On the night of 17th to 18th, units from upper Mokotow, B-3 Company of Regiment "Baszta" (Tower), PAL platoon and the units of CPT. Andrej Czajkowski, "Garda" (Guard) man defences at Sielce, part of Czerniakow street and Sadyba. During the day, a strong German counterattack forces the defenders to leave the factory at Belwederska and a section of Czerniakowska street.

    Sadyba will remain in Polish hands.

    "Monter" appoints Lt. Colonel Jozef Rokicki "Carol" as commander of the Mokotow district.

    (***Translators note....
    Good to see the Czajkowski name, although I don't think this officer was any relation to the Russian composer.

    I think "Garda" is simply a code word and the unit involved is not from a "Guards" Regiment, a label that many armies in many countries apply to elite units. Britain has a fine tradition of Guard units, the French had their Imperial Guard where the best performing soldiers were posted, and the Russian Guard units of WW2 were units of proven performance, given the pick of equipment and supplies and sent to the hotspots.

    Just a small thing to mention that the names given at the start of every diary day, (today it was Helen Ilona), I can only assume is the name of the person that made the entry in the commanders diary. Names are Anglicised by the translator App, so I'll go back and insert the Polish version for accuracy. Today, Helen Ilona was the translation of Heleny Ilony. So I'll do that and from this point forward give you both versions.

    PWPW , shorthand for the Printworks that was captured on day 2. It's a Polish abbreviation!

    The PAL is a platoon from a left wing group of of several thousand members. It's an acronym for the Polska Armia Ludowa, (in English, Polish People's Army). It's commander was Henryk Borucki, " Czarny", though I'm sure he wasn't present in Warsaw at the Uprising.)
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2022
  8. Bolshevik

    Bolshevik Active Member

    Apr 9, 2022
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    1944... August...Day 19.
    W 5.39 E 20.09 ....22°C... Sunny. Vistula 100cm.

    Saturday 19th...Jan Boleslaw.. (Jana Boleslawa)

    The enemy launches another general attack on the Old Town.
    German infantry attack Bonifraterska street, Krasinski Garden, Krasinski Square, Tlomackie and Bielanska street. A fierce fight continues in the ruins of the Cathedral of St John and on nearby Brzozowa street. Insurgent troops repel assault after assault. The Luftwaffe continues to drop bombs. Pylons of fire and smoke are everywhere. Historic churches are on fire. The life of the district moves to the basements.
    Simultaneously with the attack of General Rienefarth's troops on the Old Town, the troops of General Rohr attack the southern part of Srodmiecie.
    The area of the University of Technology is under attack today with particular force. Insurgents are gradually being pushed out of individual buildings.
    The defence is focused on the main administration building of the University. The Germans send tanks into the action. Defenders leave the main building and occupy the even side of Noakowski street. The front line will run through this street until the end of the Uprising.
    On the night of 19th to 20th August, a group of 550 soldiers move out from the Kampinos forest headed for Zoliborz, with Major Alfons Kotowski "Okon" in command. Part of the unit fails to reach the capital. When shot with machine guns they lose communication with their base and return to the forest. The others reach Zoliborz and join the unit of Lt. Witold Pelcyzinski, "Witold". These additional men bring the strength of "Witold's" unit up to 750 effectives. Lt. Colonel Mieczyslaw Niedzielski "Zywiciel" orders Witold's unit to attack the Gdansk Railway Station in order to connect with the Old Town.
    On the previous night, insurgent troops attacked Wilanow and Wolice from Sabdya. The attack was an attempt to support a breakout from the forest positions to the capital of the units of Lt. Col Mieczyslaw Sokolowski "Grzymala". Due to a strong German defence the attack on the park and Wilanow Palace breaks down. Insurgents suffer severe losses, including the death of Lt. Colonel "Grzymala". Eventually around 370 well armed people break through to Sabdya. The rest retreat to the forests.
    During the night and into the morning of 19th to 20th, several more platoons from the Kabacki forest reach Sabdya.

    (***Much more to come so stay tuned! Any comments generally speaking are most welcome, or corrections and additions. Or if you'd just like to post a picture that's fine. A map of the city at the time would be most welcome or photos from the period. This poster welcomes anything that fellow rogues would like to add...so enjoy! There are 47 more days left in the diary!)
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2022
  9. Bolshevik

    Bolshevik Active Member

    Apr 9, 2022
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    1944... August....W 5.43 E 20.07. ...Day 20....23°C...
    Sunny. Vistula 96cm.

    Sunday 20th.... Bernard Sobieslaw ( Bernarda Sobieslaw)

    The general attack on the Old Town continues....
    Artillery fire and bombing precede further attacks in all sections.
    In the west from Krasinskich Square and Dluga street, east of the Gdansk Coast through Bolesc street in the direction of Koscielna and Dluga streets with simultaneous pressure from south and north.
    The Germans manage to attack from Tlomackie and Bielanska streets and occupy the north part of the Bank of Poland. After a fierce fight they also manage to occupy the Mostowski Palace.

    There is intensified enemy pressure on the Old Town from the side of Muranowka.On the night of 20th to 21st the insurgents are forced to withdraw from the area, pass by among others and move back in the direction of the Paperwork's (PWPW) building at Sanguszko street. The Germans take control of Muranow completely, from then controlling the entire area between Nalewki street to Bonifraterska street.
    In Srodmiecie, on the night of 19th to 20th, units commanded by Henryk Roycewicz "Leliwy" are joining the friction being applied to the huge eight-storey building of Polska Akcyjn Spolka Telefoniczna (PAST...Polish Stock Telephone Company) at 37/39 Zielna street. Other units in the attack include an assault platoon from the company "Koszta"(Costs) two patrols of sappers, a female miners patrol, two patrols of flamethrowers, and a special team from the fire brigades. Previous attempts to capture this position have failed, with considerable losses, due to the fire advantage of German defenders locked inside the fortified building. After a dozen or so hours of hard fighting, the insurgents capture the PAST building, thus eliminating a troublesome firing point. Enemy losses are 38 killed, with 121 men from various formations taken prisoner , including many wounded a burnt. Insurgent losses amount to only 17 killed.

    Insurgents from the "Chobry II" group occupy the Hartwig warehouse on the corner of Toworowa and Panska streets. This is the northernmost outpost now occupied by Polish forces.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2022
  10. Bolshevik

    Bolshevik Active Member

    Apr 9, 2022
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    1944... August....Day 21.
    W 5.44 E 20.05 ....23°C... Sunny... Vistula 95cm

    Monday 21st...Kazimiera Joanna..( Kazimiery Joanny)

    The Germans continue air bombing and artillery strikes against the Old Town.
    New fires break out in the district, yielding, among others, a large fire in the Arsenal building on the corner of Nalewki street and Dluga street. After its evacuation, only one company from "Chobry I" battalion remain in the building.
    Insurgents manage to displace the Germans from the right wing of the Polish Bank on Bielanska street and from the Canonesses Convent, and repel attacks on the Town Hall and Blanka's Palace. The Germans focus on attacking Krasinski Square. From the side of the Royal Castle, they attack Swietojanska street and Kanonia street. There is fighting for the cathedral. Insurgents maintain their positions.
    In Srodmiecie and Praga-Polnoc, the positions of the "Chobry II" group has been fired upon since morning. At the same time, RONA Brigade units are attacking from Jerozolimskie Avenue and Toworowa street. At around 5pm the attack breaks down.
    On the night of 20th to 21st, insurgent units of the Zoliborz district and Kampinos forest under the command of Major Alfons Kotowski "Okonia"(Perch) attack the Gdansk Railway Station. Heavy enemy fire breaks down the attack and prevents the connection of the Old Town and Zoliborz. Insurgents suffer severe losses.
    Polish troops repel a German attack on Sabdya from the Wilanow area.
    The Germans blow up the Pawiak Prison.

    The "Palladium" Cinema presents the second insurgent chronicle, with photos from the previous day and from the action around the PAST building.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2022
  11. Bolshevik

    Bolshevik Active Member

    Apr 9, 2022
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    1944... August...Day 22..E 5.46 W 20.03
    22°C....Sunny in morning, cloudy evening. Vistula 95cm.
    Tuesday 22nd...Maria Cezary..(Marii Cezarego)

    In Old Town, insurgents repel attacks by German tanks and infantry on the barricades of Nalewki and Dluga streets, defending the walk to Kalinski Square. In the evening after heavy fighting the Germans man the ruined Arsenal building. The rest of the insurgent units leave the building and move to nearby Simon's Passage on the corner of Dluga and Nalewki streets.

    In Srodmiecie, insurgents launch an attack on the so called small PAST building located at Pius XI street.

    In northern Srodmiecie, insurgents defend against an attack on the Borman factory at Towarowa street.
    German infantry attack the barricades at the end of Traugutta and Mazowiecka streets, under cover of tanks from Malachowski Square. Insurgents capture an outpost in the "Christal" restaurant on the corner of Jerozolimskie street and Bracka Avenue, and firing at movement through Aleje street.

    Around 2am, the second attack on the Gdansk Railway Station is launched by insurgents. Troops from Zoliborz and the Kampinos forest under command of Lt. Colonel Mieczyslaw Niedzielski "Zywiciel" take part in the assault.The support attack from the Old Town is carried out by units commanded by Major Waclaw Janaszek "Bolek". It breaks down under heavy enemy fire. Attacking insurgents retreat before dawn with huge losses. In both attacks, the number of killed and wounded amounts to around 500.

    The new Commander of District V, Lt. Colonel Jozef Rokicki "Karol", breaks through the sewers to Mokotow. Organisationally he divides the area he supervises into Mokotow Dolny, covering the large spaces and streets of Sielce, Czerniakow , Sadyba and Mokotow Gorny, west of Pulawska street. Regiment "Baszta" is fighting in this area.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2022
  12. Bolshevik

    Bolshevik Active Member

    Apr 9, 2022
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    1944... August....Day 23... W 5.48 E 20.01...19°C
    . Cloudy morning, clear in afternoon. Vistula 93cm.

    Wednesday 23rd....Rose Apolonius..(Rozy Apolinarego)

    Heavy fighting continues for the Old Town.
    From the ruins of the Town Hall, a heavy machine gun crew shoot down a German bomber.
    In the afternoon, the Germans begin a general attack in all sectors.
    They attack St. John Of God hospital in Bonifraterska street.
    The Fiat Factory at Sapiezynska street.
    The PWPW works at Sanguszko street.
    Simon's Passage at Dluga street is under fire.
    After many hours, insurgents manage to seize the small PAST building at Pius XI street.
    After more heavy fighting, Polish troops take the Church of St Cross and the neighbouring building of the Police Headquarters at Krakow Suburb.
    Thanks to these gains the insurgents can launch attacks on German positions in the direction of the Old Town.
    On the opposite side of Krakow Suburb, the units of Cpt. Cyprian Ordorkiewicz "Krybar" attack the University of Warsaw. Captured insurgent combat vehicles "Kubus" and "Jas" take part in the action. In the face of overwhelming enemy strength, the attack collapses.

    (***Translators note....
    One assumes that the APC "Jas" has yet to be renamed "Greywolf"
    The name "Kubus" translates to "Winnie". Whether this is a girl they know or even a reference to Churchill, this is not explained.
    But, being "London Poles", it's probably Churchill that they are referring to!
    "Krybar" has no dictionary meaning and is probably just a name.

    Also, the diary has an exaggeration that I have edited out. The phrase "Po kilkudziesieciu" translates to
    "After many dozens of hours". I took this to be over exaggerated and substituted " after many hours" instead.....)
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2022
  13. Bolshevik

    Bolshevik Active Member

    Apr 9, 2022
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    1944... August...Day 24...W 5.49 E 19.59 ...20°C...
    Cloudy then brightening. Vistula 91cm.

    Thursday 24th....Bartolomiej Jerzy..(Bartlomieja Jerzego)

    The Old Town is still the target of constant and massive enemy attacks.
    The Germans seize some of the ruined buildings at St.John of God hospital on Bonifraterska street, a school at Rybaki street and a residential premises on the grounds of the PWPW complex.
    After heavy fighting, insurgents manage to keep the ruins of Simon's Passage on Dluga street.
    In the ruins of the Dluga 27/29 property, defence posts are being built, to be called the Redoubt Of The Mother Of God.
    Troops from the Old Town fend off enemy attacks from the south, maintaining posts at Miodowa area, Podwale and Piwina streets.
    Brzozowa street is defended from the east. In Srodmiecie, the Germans systematically shoot at insurgent outposts on Kredytowa, Krolewska, Toworowa, Chmielna and Zelazna streets. Insurgent positions at Krucza, Wspolna, Hoza, Wilcza, and Kozykowa streets are under fire. The Germans try to seize some of the houses on Krolewska street near the Saski Gardens and on Grzybowska street.
    They fiercely attack the Railway House and the Post Station as well as insurgent outposts along Towarowa street.
    In southern Srodmiecie, after a fierce fight, insurgent troops gain the German positions at Zulinskiego street, and take over the quarter between Poznanska, Zulinskiego, Marszalkkowska and Nowogrodska streets.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2022
  14. Bolshevik

    Bolshevik Active Member

    Apr 9, 2022
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    1944... August...Day 25..E 5.51 W 19.57 ....17°C
    Sunny. Vistula 90cm.

    Friday 25th.... Ludwik Jozef..(Ludwika Jozefa)

    In the Old Town, the enemy continues to attack the complex of buildings of the PWPW at Sanguszko street. Defended by troops of the "Lesnik" group, they suffer severe losses.

    Troops evacuate civilians from buildings in their control. Heavy fighting continues for the hospital of St. John Of God on Bonifraterska street, the Fiat Factory at Sapiezynska and the Canonesses Convent at Teatralny Square.

    During the night of August 25-26, Home Army Headquarters is evacuated through the sewers from the Old Town.
    The civil management of the city moves to Srodmiecie, with the Deputy Prime Minister Jan Stanislaw Jankowski "Sobol" (Sable) and Chairman of the Council of National Unity Kazimnik Puzak "Bazyli", (Basil)

    More and more wounded troops, rear units and a small group of civilians pass through the Old Town sewers to Zoliborz.
    Colonel Karol Ziemski " Wachnowski" commander of the northern group moves from demolished and burnt building of the Archives of Historical Records at Dluga street to the chapter house of the Church of St Jack on Freta street.

    In Srodmiecie, a company from the "Kilinski" battalion "aquires" a strong German outpost located in the former "Cafe Club" at the corner of Nowyswiat and Jerozolimskie Avenue. In this way, Polish troops eliminate the burdensome shelling of the barricade that connects both parts of Srodmiecie.

    British Prime Minister Winston Churchill demands that the President of the United. States send aircraft over Warsaw and land at Soviet airfields without consent from Soviet authorities.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2022
  15. Bolshevik

    Bolshevik Active Member

    Apr 9, 2022
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    1944... August..Day 26.... W 5.52 E 19.54. ....19°C
    Sunny. Vistula 86cm.

    Saturday 26th....Maria Zephyrine...(Marii Zefiryny)

    Air raids and artillery shelling continue against the Old Town.
    Despite constant pressure, Polish forces are maintaining their positions at the Poland Bank at Bielanska street, at the ruined Simon's Passage at Dluga street, in the ruins of the Town Hall and in the Blanka Palace. They also repel attacks on barricades at the streets of Miodowa, Podwale, Piwna, Swietojanska and Kanonia.
    Strong pressure continues from the direction of the Vistula against Brzozowa, Boliec and Rybaki streets.
    The insurgents are forced to withdraw from the ruins of the "Quebrancho" tannery at Boliec street and from the hospital of St John Of God.

    Strong artillery fire is underway in northern Srodmiecie, especially in the area of Panska, Twarda, Sliska and Sienna streets.
    The "Oaza", (Oasis) battalion under the command of Captain Janusz Wyszogrodski "Janusz", is formed from the insurgent departments in Sadyba.
    Under the rubble of a bombed tenement house at 16 Freta Street, the staff of the People's Army of the Warsaw District, many soldiers and civilians are killed.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2022
  16. Bolshevik

    Bolshevik Active Member

    Apr 9, 2022
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    1944... August..Day 27..E 5.54 W 19.52 ..20°C..
    Sunny. Vistula 81cm.

    Sunday 27th... Monika Cezary Jozef.. ( Moniki Cezarego Jozefa)

    Colonel Karol Ziemski "Wachnowski" reorganises the defence of the Old Town as follows.....
    North- Lt. Colonel Jan Mazurkiewicz "Radoslaw".
    South - Major Stanislaw Blaszczak "Rog".
    East - Captain Eugeniusz Konopack "Trzaska"
    West- retains Major Gustav Billewicz "Sosna"

    Insurgents succeed in blowing up St. John's Cathedral, which will ultimately remain in German hands.
    In the struggle for the PWPW works, a fierce encounter is raging over individual floors and parts of the building.
    In Srodmiecie, in the afternoon the Germans attack along Walicow and Zelazna streets, pushing the defenders to the line of Grzybowska street. The attackers seize the Police barracks at Ciepla street which strengthens the area of the Iron Gate Square.

    On the night of 26/27, an attack was launched commanded by Lt. Boleslaw Gancarz "Gryf". His objective is to connect with Mokotow and Srodmiecie. However, the attack comes up against strong German resistance. "Gryf" fails to link up with the "Kryska" group who hold their positions at the corner of Czerniakowska and Lazienki.........
    the barracks in the area of Szwolezerow, 29 Listopada and Podchorazych streets blocks the way through and remains in German possession. The attack only succeeds in taking the Convent of the Sisters of Nazareth at Czerniakowska street.
    Lt. Colonel Jozef Rokicki "Karol" decides to maintain the captured position and regroup on Sunday evening for another attack.

    President of the United States of America Franklin Delano Roosevelt refuses to help insurgents in Warsaw without any consent from the Soviet Union.

    (***Translators notes...
    Today's codeword translations.
    -"Gryf"= Neck.
    -"Trzaska" = Cracks.
    -"Rog" = Corner.
    -"Karol" = Charles
    *Roosevelt's refusal must have hit the Polish soldiers very hard. Soviet aircraft could easily have gained air superiority over Warsaw. The Luftwaffe, what was left of it anyhow, seems to have operated with impunity, running air support seemingly at will, even dropping leaflets!

    The people of Warsaw, and Poland generally speaking, deserved a better fate)
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2022
  17. Bolshevik

    Bolshevik Active Member

    Apr 9, 2022
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    List of Suburbs, and bridge in 1944 Warsaw....

    Whilst translating, it's sometimes not clear from the text the difference between a general area and a specific street.
    So I've put together these lists of suburbs and bridges. As you read the text, you will be able to distinguish between them for yourself. Lists are in alphabetical order.

    PRAGA AREA- East of the Vistula
    Saska Kera

    SRODMIECIE AREA : On the left bank, at the heart of the city and with some of its oldest and most important buildings. This area controls left bank access to two of the four bridges, including the strongest, the northernmost railway bridge.
    Gryzbow.- next to Srodmiecie, to the west but inner city
    Stawki- on the river
    Citadel - right on the river east of Stawki, south of Zoliborz.

    CYSTE AREA: Next to and west of Grzybow

    FORMER JEWISH GHETTO AREA: West of Srodmiecie, north of Jerozolimskie Avenue, it sits astride the Gdansk - Danzig railway line, and it's buildings were in ruins. This was due to the Ghetto Revolt beginning in early 1943. Most buildings were set on fire to flush out defending fighters in bunkers and civilians wanting to avoid deportation to Treblinka extermination camp. Approximately 450,000 people were crammed into this area


    Bielany- north of Marymont on the river
    Kolo- southwest and next to Powzaki
    Marymont- Above Zoliborz on the river
    Powzaki- next suburb west of Zoliborz,
    Zodbycz Robotnicza- North West of the main city
    Zoliborz- Just northwest of The Citadel and on the river.

    There are four bridges across the Vistula linking the Praga-Polnoc area with the rest of the city on the western side of the River.
    From north to south, these bridges are....
    CITADEL BRIDGE- this bridge is also a railway bridge.
    NEW RAILWAY BRIDGE- This bridge handled railway traffic only.

    I'm going to have to spend a bit of time editing what has been posted to clarify which names are suburbs or areas from the list above. Any other location name that appears in the text will, therefore, be a street if not included in the above lists.

    Hope this helps.
    BTW, The Uprising Museum in Warsaw has a very good computer generated interactive map showing every stage of the Uprising, general direction of attacks and so forth. It seems to only be available for viewing if you go to the museum. It doesn't seem to be viewable Online. (pity that!)

    The Bodeian site has period maps showing the state of the city and its layout in 1944. Colour coding shows areas of interest. One can see why Stawki is so important, for instance. It's right next to the Old Town, which itself is very close to the Srodmiecie area on the riverbank, and just near the Citadel Bridge. Very tactical location.

    Last edited: Nov 10, 2022
  18. Bolshevik

    Bolshevik Active Member

    Apr 9, 2022
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    1944.... August....Day 28 ...E 5.36 W 19.50. 22°C
    Sunny. Vistula 81cm.
    Monday 28th... Augustine Alexander..( Augustyna Aleksandra.

    In the Old Town, after fierce battles, the Germans finally take control the PWPW building at Sanguszko street.

    In view of the catastrophic situation in the Old Town, Colonel Karol Ziemski "Wachnowski" decides to break into Srodmiecie.
    Strong enemy fire is underway in the city center, especially Napoleon Square, and the northern section of Marszalkkowska, Swietokrzyska, Jasna and Sienkiewicza streets.

    On the night of August 27-28, Lt.Colonel Boleslaw Gancarz "Gryf" continues his unit's attack on the barracks between Szwolezerow, 29 Listopada and Podchorazych streets.

    The whole of Mokotow is under stronger than usual enemy fire.

    From the direction of Wilanow, the Germans assume a strong attack on Sabdya.
  19. Bolshevik

    Bolshevik Active Member

    Apr 9, 2022
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    1944.. August..Day 29..E. 5.57 W 19.57. 21°C
    Sunny morning then cloudy. Vistula 75cm.

    Tuesday 29th....Beaty Jana...(Beaty Jana)

    Air raids and artillery shelling are underway in the Old Town.
    Units of "Zoska" and "Czata 49" maintain, at heavy cost, the demolished buildings of the "Fiat" factories at Sapiezynska street.
    The enemy seizes the ruins of the Church of The Blessed Virgin Mary in the area between Wojtowska, Zakroczymska and Przyrynkiem streets..
    The Germans are expanding the territory under their control at Teatralny Square. They break into the Town Hall, Blanka Palace and the Canonesses Convent.
    Insurgents manage to fend off attacks on Bielanska street, Simon's Passage and the school at Nalewki street.
    In Srodmiecie, insurgents were brought to a halt by a very strong attack from the Saski Gardens on their line at Krolewska street.
    In Mokotow, the Germans start bombing from the air as well as artillery fire. In the demolished Elizabethansk Hospital at Goszczynski street many wounded patients and part of the staff are killed.

    Units of the "Oaza" Battalion and the remnants of the "Jelen" Squadron are engaged in heavy fighting in Sadyba.

    The governments of Great Britain and the United States of America grant soldiers of the Home Army veterans rights, considering the Home Army to be an integral part of Polish Armed Forces.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2022
  20. Bolshevik

    Bolshevik Active Member

    Apr 9, 2022
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    1944.. August..Day 30..
    E 5.59 W 19.45..... 20°C....Overcast, rain. Vistula 75cm.
    Wednesday 30th....Margerat Feliks, (Malgorazty Feliksa)

    The command of the Home Army in the Old Town, is in consultation with the commander of the Home Army Warsaw District. Colonel Antoni Chrusciel " Monter" finally decided to evacuate his units from Starowk to Srodmiecie. Lightly wounded go through the sewers to Zoliborz and Srodmiecie.
    In the evening insurgents regroup and prepare to break through Bielanska street towards Hal Mirowskich street and Zelazna Gates Square. The attack is to be supported by simultaneous pressure from city troops from Grzybowska street and Krolewska street.
    This dual action aims to create a "corridor" facilitating the complete evacuation of the wounded and civilians to Srodmiecie.
    Insurgents regain their lost positions at the Teatralny Square, Blanka Palace, the front section of the Town Hall and the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the New Town. There is heavy fighting on Bielanska street. The Germans are firing at the Srodmiecie area from the ground and bombing f it from the air. Streets of Ceglana, Zolazna and Grzybowski Square as well as Powisle, is under heavy bombardment.
    In Mokotow, as a result of German shelling, numerous fires erupt at Rackalawicka, Olkuska , Baluka and Kazimierzowska streets.
    Earlier in the afternoon, enemy aircraft bomb the overcrowded hospital at 19 Chelmska street. Hit by incendiaries and bombs, the hospital burst into flames. Many wounded and sick are killed. Firing at the many hours of rescue work, the Uprising suffers heavy loss.
    German planes bomb Sadyba in a separate raid, severely hitting Okrenza street.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2022

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