ATAM - all terrain attack machine or applied theories in advanced mathematics CASEVAC - casualty evacutaion
Correct on CASEVAC While ATAM could be both of the above it is not what I was thinking of. Last letter stands for Missile
Automatic Tracking Acquisition Missile ? Oops, just Google'd this; Automatic Target Acquisition Missile
Guess there are a few that could apply. What I was looking for is: Air to Air Missile. Someone else want to post a few.
TOC= Tactical Operations Center SFODA= Special Forces Operational Detachment - Alpha SBCT= Stryker Brigade Combat Team
TA-50 = Table of Allowances 50 (Military clothing and equipment) TDY/Return = Return to Temporary Duty CQ = Charge Of Quarters SDNCO = Staff Duty Noncommissioned Officer WD-40 = A good penetrating and lubricating oil and displaces moisture
All correct except for TDY/Return. That means a soldier is away from his post on temporary duty, such as a school for a given amount of time, then will return to his original duty station upon completion of said detail, hence TDY (temporary duty) and Return. Through some more out there. If I can't get them, someone else can.
I guess I had it back-asswards. "Return from Temporary Duty" and I might have gotten away with it. I'll dig up a few more.
Sorry I hadn't noticed this earlier. All correct answers! I want to blame this on A-58 for jumping ahead, but it is my own stupid fault for not looking. Ha Ha Ha @ A-58..........just jokin. @ LRusso216.................perhaps you'd like to jump in here with a few to test us with. just to even things up. LOL
No problem Slomo. All is good. This is not an acronym, but an army classification. What is a "class 6 store"?
I don't know if there actually are other class stores, such as Class 1,2,3,4 or 5, to be honest. I do know there are several different supply classes though, (10 I think) ex. Class 2 supplies:Equipment, other than principal items, prescribed in authorization and allowance tables (individual equipment, clothing, tentage, tool sets, and administrative supplies). I'm thinking other supply class items are necessities and are supplied, while a Class 6 store provides the personal demand items needed/wanted by individuals. I have no military background ( or future at my age) so I arrive at this answer through logic and assumption only. as faulty as it may be. Thinking that it's a trick question.........I will make a guess and say no there isn't.