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What if hitler did not attack the soviet union

Discussion in 'World War 2' started by Hindeburg, Apr 15, 2005.

  1. dave phpbb3

    dave phpbb3 New Member

    Feb 11, 2004
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    yes but most goverments were anti-communist
  2. Izaak Stern

    Izaak Stern New Member

    Apr 4, 2005
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    It´s way off the subject, Gents. :roll:

    What if....??? Does it any sense to ask the question?

    The most surprising for me was, when I´ve found out that Hitler knew next to nothing about Stalin´s preparations for attack.

    Neither of sides was preparing a preventive war ! Hitler had a vague feeling of being threatened and wanted to finish the USSR off, which he considered easy, profitable and a good investment for the future in the meantime, when he could not do anything with his millions of troops´, anyways.

    If he only knew that Stalin´s axe was practically ready to finish HIM and the rest of Europe off. Just like that! And Stalin has never been SO ready, neither before nor after.

    IMHO ;)
  3. panzer67

    panzer67 New Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    just talking of potential

    the maximum potential with the military resources of the germans was the continental europe, england and north of africa but no so far becauser the logistics to have survillance over a wide territory is almost impossible ( enough partisans fighting in the darkness for their particular contries)
    what was necessary to have a 100 % control co consider succesful:
    food supplies from each contry
    iron from norway
    oil england with the north´s sea, they had allies with arabs who was angry wit english army for many years so they can had a good trade
    carbon they had enough

    technology was more advanced in that time.
    time not much the technological race was hard in that times

    social problem called " final solution " big big mistake nobody will support a government with that kind of solutions

    so if they had control england and north atlantic then was almost impossible to u.s. allies to have beachheads to launch an offensive over the ocupied territory.

    the pact with russians will be broked more later for ambiscious hitler or stalin ( oil and " vital space " )
    all this if we guess as they can comply the domination...

    so with the time will come down all the structure due to high corruption for the power and then let to think in the national target and go for particular power.

    personal viewpoint

    in resume rise and down for theirselves.
  4. Revere

    Revere New Member

    Apr 25, 2005
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    Well it obiouse Hitler would of won it would be like kicking a small plant then stomping on it
  5. E. Rommel phpbb3

    E. Rommel phpbb3 New Member

    May 5, 2005
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    IT was his plan to take out USSR from the beginning all the books id read said that. TD was a good comment
  6. Izaak Stern

    Izaak Stern New Member

    Apr 4, 2005
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    Mr Rommel,
    I´m afraid the books you had the pleasure to read were wrong.

    I cannot recommend strongly enough another kind of literature:

  7. canambridge

    canambridge Member

    Mar 15, 2004
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    Izaak, do you thtink Hitler's sole, or prime, motivation fro attacking the Soviet Union was preventive? Just because Stalin was preparing to attack Hitler, does not mean that Hitler wasn't going to attack Stalin.
  8. Izaak Stern

    Izaak Stern New Member

    Apr 4, 2005
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    I do think Hitler had on his mind to attack USSR at some time in the future, but certainly not at the moment he was fighting a strong enemy - Britain. The only reason to attack the USSR in 1941 (the worst possible moment for him) was the danger he saw in the east.
    The funny thing is, how little he knew about the real size and timing of this danger. It was after the first weeks when whole wagonloads of maps of Germany, Russian-German parleurs, thousands upon thousands of battle ready tanks and airplanes as well as huge petrol-depots had been found just on the other side of the border did the Germans (and Hitler) realized that they had prevented an attack which was about to begin within a few days.
  9. Castelot

    Castelot New Member

    Oct 5, 2003
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    Actually Hitler ordered the Wehrmacht to prepare an attack on the Soviet Union as early as july 1940.
    The plans were ready by december 1940, the date for the attack was set for spring 1941.

    I think there can be no doubt that Hitler intended to invade the USSR in 1941.
    As soon as he saw that Britain would continue the fight, he tought that the best he could do was invading the USSR.
    Hitler realized that in order to defeat Britain(more and more supported by the USA)he would have to go for a long lasting maritime strategy, he would have to focuse on increasing the Kriegsmarine and Luftwaffe, rather than the Wehrmacht.
    And with the biggest army of the world in his back such a srategy seemed too risky to him.

    One most also know that Hitler underestimated the power of the soviet union.To him, the combination of slavic "untermenschen"combined with the rotten ideology of communism couldn't possibly withstand a powerfull german assault.
    He tought to beat Russia in a few weeks, after all hadn't he done the same with France(whose army was tought to be much more powerfull than the russian one at the time).

    So to the nazis it seemed quite logic to beat Russia in 1941.
    With France and Russia eliminated, Germany wouldn't have to fear an ennemy on land any more, and could concentrate on a maritime strategy, using the combined ressources of Europe.
    Also, from occupied Russia, they could attack british colonial possessions in the middle east and possibly even in India.
    Also, Russia eliminated, Japan gets more powerfull which in Hitlers eyes would make the USA concentrate on the pacific rather than on the Atlantic.

    All these strategic toughts of course marvellously matched with the traditional nazi ideology of conquering Lebensraum in the east and finishing of communism.

    Given all I have read about the matter, I am sure that Hitler planned to attack the USSR in 1941 under any circumstances.(Probably he took that decision after Molotov's visit to Berlin in november 1940)
    Probably Staline intended to do the same with Germany, but Hilters "Barbarossa" definately was more than a simple preventive strike.
  10. Izaak Stern

    Izaak Stern New Member

    Apr 4, 2005
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    AFAIK Hitler first realized the danger when USSR took Bessarabia nad part of Bukovina - more than their pact allowed, and began concentrating his forces near Romanian border. The final decision though was thaken after Molotov´s visit.
    Stalin decided that he would atack Germany on Politbureau meeting August 19th, 1939. The final timing was dependent on the events in the war in western Europe, which Stalin expected to start in 1939.

    try www.patriot.dk/suvorov.html

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