[quote="OliSimon WEP?? This abbreviation's gone completely out of my head, clarify please.[/quote] Sorry for the delay, I forgot to reply. WEP = War Emergency Power, basically 100% throttle or 100% throttle with Boost. It's an American phrase really, but it's one I find useful as a reminder to myself as much as anything else that regardless of what may be indicated these aircraft wouldn't regularly fly at the top speeds indicated in the books.
Thanks Simon. Unless you're Russian :lol: I assume you've heard the story about the RAF Hurri squadron sent to Russia to act as bomber escorts? Never mind, I'll tell it anyway. The pilots that went thought they'd have an easy time, the general perception was that Russian=outdated, so they assumed that they'd be escorting biplanes at about 150 kt. When they got there they were highly surprised to find that it was Pe-2 they were working with and that the Russians regarded everywhere as a potential combat situation, some of the Hurris reportedly blew their engines after a number of sorties.