My favorites. Saving Private Ryan-- (Ever felt and seen and heard a more accurate depicition of hitting the beach? I haven't.) Cross of Iron-- I like the German perspective. Kelly's Heroes-- (I just loved OddBall-Donald Sutherland and his Sherman coming out of that railroad tunnel with the loadspeaker playing 'country-music') Woof, wuuuf. Das Boot-- Tragic ending that seems so true and believable. A good insight into submarine service with the Kriegsmarine. The Enemy Below-- Classic. A Bridge too Far-- Another Classic Band of Brothers. As good as they come. Sahara--(Loved Bogart and Lulubelle, the M3.) No-one has mentioned a movie about a Mosquito-Bomber Squadron starring Cliff Montgomery--I believe. Was it 617 Squadron, or something similar? I like always liked the British Mosquito. Nah, the special effects were nothing like can be done today. I still like it. Tim
My favorite war movies would be, Saving Private Ryan, even though some people said it was inaccurate I think it was moslty accurate, with only a few problems. Also depicts the Omaha landings really well Band of Brothers, you really got to know most of the soldiers and just very nicely done. Enemy at the Gates, just a good movie It's a good thing no one has said their favorite movie was Windtalkers. All it is is Nicholas Cage going rambo with a thompson
A german made film called Stalingrad(came from the das boot stable). and, of course,the great escape!
yeah its true after the omaha beach scene the movie spr became a hole joke the german soldiers acting like stupid cs bots but every us war film i saw was well funded and good effects but the story is always the same a patriotic slimy comrade loving story were a smal troop of us soldiers pilots or seamen take out an overwhelming axis force. But i fact it were the axis troops that fought bravely against a overwhelming enemy for exaple only the greman Fallschirmjäger knocked out 470 allied tanks in one month after the allied landing in normandy or in cassino were a Fallschirmjäger regiment haltet the hole allied advance for month with alomst no tank airplanes or artellerie while the allis got it in masses to make it schort US WAR FILMs SUCKS faking reality so the americans belive their soldiers are the non plus ultra in the world (havent seen when trupets fade yet)
hhmm it´s not a real war movie but I like "Das Tribunal", because Bruce Willis is my favourite actor. I´ve the dvd and think that the english title is "hart´s war" ?? 1.) Das Tribunal / harts war , Dark Blue World 2.) Band of Brothers 3.) Stalingrad (german production) 4.) Battle of Britain 5.) Der Stern Afrikas (the star of africa) also a german prod. Sry eh , but I don´t like "Das Boot" it´s quite boring Regards, Che.
Well, their audience is mostly Americans, so what do you expect? British films about WW2 show small bands of plucky Brits keeping a stiff upper lip and giving Jerry a good thrashing despite being on a sticky wicket, what? Films are made for their audience, much as many of us loath the results...
well the germans also produce war films and they are so diffrent like all quiet on western front or the bridge stalingrad and das boot these films doesent show some some stiff leather face krauts kicking the tommys and yankees ass these films are more authentic americans can do good war films like platoon or FMJ but i havent seen a good ww2 film by americans always the same slimy patriotic war is tough but nesesary bullshit gunnign down hunderts of jerrys and tojos and when one yankee is hit it takes 5 minutes till he dies with a hole buch of slimy "you must gave this letter my son and tell him i was brave " "no you will give it him self keep up johnny " bullshit. :bang:
Well, they lost. They can't really show that kinda stuff. :roll: Silly, isn't it? *enters deep philosophical thoughts about stupidity of mankind*
do you know how many movies the germans could produce about battles were the tommys and yanks were fucked up a hole bunch beginig in 1940 and ending in 1945 or do you want to tell me that the germans dident won a singel battle against the allies in the hole war time sorry but you cant be serious
I WONDER IF 'SOMEBODY' IS JUST HERE TO BASH AMERICA- Maybe we can talk Israeli war movies, and who the loser always is... I can go on for hours and days...Golan Heights, Negev... "no you will give it him self keep up Abul " bullshit. BTW >all quiet on western front is an American movie.. As are most all the movies mentioned in this thread.. Duh
Lets list NAZI werhmacht Battle victories against Americans.. 1) Kassarine Pass.. The first US/ German battle of WWII 2) you can list the rest... Lets see their were nearly 100 American Rangers at Dneippe.. But that was really a Canuck/ Brit affair. Then lets list the Arab losses.. You go first.. Tunisia- German Loss Scicilly- German Loss Salerno- German Loss Anzio- German Loss Nomandy- Germany loss Falaise- German Loss NW France- German Loss Bulge German Loss Central Europe- German Loss Next Arab losses- or maybe we should start a new thread- that could be a few dozen pages long..
i really dont know what you mean i am just bored by most american war movies and yes your right all quiet on western front is a us film why are you bring the arabs in the game FACT IS that us forces only win against germans with overwhelming troops tanks and air support in masses like today or do you want to tell my you like this shitty "johnyy give this letter to my son " "no keep up "films these are no Film these Are JOKES WELL would you also like movies were a small group of germans crushing a us regiment slauthering gi,s in masses and then comes a scene were finally a german is hit saing oh Hans give this letter to my son erich i fought so brave for the führer " for me its the same bullshit
whats up with the Hürtgenwald / Hürtgenforest ? 55.000 US-Soldiers were killed and 15.000 german soldiers. I respect their sacrifises, however who won, I think the US-Army was defeated ??? He didn´t say only yanks And tommys lost many battles. :kill: Regards, Che.
>55.000 US-Soldiers were killed Tsk Tsk You better check out your figures, by about 50 % ... &hl=en&lr=
33.000 aren´t 50% Well, you know the Battle of Hurtgenforest, as only one battle the "Allerseelenschlacht" called in german. But the "AsSchlacht" was only one of four battles fought in Hurtgen.