Hi all, New to the WW2 Forum, would like to pick your brains for suggestions on reading material. My interest lies mainly in the European theater, especially Germany and anything on submarine warfare from the German's point of view. I know there are alot out there, perhaps each of you could suggest their favorite book on these topics. Any help would be appreciated.
Hi Maxwell, Welcome to the forums! Hope you find what you are looking for here and I am sure you will enjoy discussing submarine warfare here. We have got some members who are well-read on the subject. I myself have read Jost Metzler's The Laughing Cow. You can find my book review of the book on www.uboat.net Although it is a very interesting book by one of the U boat commanders (U61), and one of the first to appear in print, I believe, I feel it lacks in detail. Nonetheless, if you can find it, read it! Great book on the war from the pov of a commander. Iron Coffins by Herbert Werner is also an interesting account although apparently there are some factual mistakes in the book. I am not well read enough on the subject to tell you which ones they are, but I thought the book was a good read. These are the only books I have read on the subject. I have Paul Kemp's German U Boat losses in the World Wars, but that is a mere listing of all German U boats that were lost. Per U boat is stated the Where, Why, How, When, etc. Hope this helps Stevin
geez, where to start ? Stevin listed some great ones along with the fantastic u-boat site of course. Try finding the u-boat ring from Germany and it will blow U away the amount of German U-boat sites.... Jak P Mallmann " The German Navy in Ww 2", U-boats under the Swastika".....this is a classic ! Siegfried Beyers works on U-boat types such as the Type XXI Wolfgang Frank "The Sea Wolves" Uboat 977 by Heinz Schäffer U-boat Commander(U-333) bu Ali Cremer Erberhard Rösslers monumental book on the U-boats which covers diagrams, maps, drawings, tec sheets, photos of design and construction, the U-boats from WW1 through the second world war and into the future......
Another interesting read, but not easy to find ( I'm not sure if it's been reprinted ) is ' I Sank The Royal Oak ' by Kapitan Leutnant Gunther Prien ( published in English 1954 ).
I VERY HIGHLY SUGGEST reading a book written by a U 181 vet. The book is: "Shooting the War" by: Otto Giese. It's about his career in the German Navy--served on U 181 with none other than Wolfgang Luth--then with Kapitan Kurt Freiwald--still on U 181.
Thank you all for your replies. I'll try to find those book you suggested. Looking forward to reading them.