Stefan I can give you info on equipment and gear of a Sani, plus it would also be cool to have some FG info on there too like regarding insigna and piping. Just a few ideas.
If you would be up for writing something about a sani impression that would be VERY cool, we will see what we can do about FJ stuff, have to find someone to write about them.
Stefan, Just letting you know the list of personal items has been started (coming from me it will probably be long winded. You've been warned ), and I sent a message out to a few folks and message groups I'm a member of about your biography. I'll give it a few days, see how it goes, and then send it out to a few other folks. Rip
Stefan- Just so you know, I sent you 3 biographies, and am still putting a personal items list together.
One thing that people always like to look at are pictures, also maybe some background music appropriat for what the site is about. A page about upcoming events, anything like that of intrest. And last of all, just make sure to keep it updated. My unit's website is good but hasnt been updated since December 2002. Good luck, ~Katyusha~
Some thoughts: List of groups in your area - there are a lot of requests from people asking if there is anything local to them. Recommended retailers of uniforms and equipment. Calendar/diary of forthcoming events - potential for different groups to meet up. I am sure there are more ideas but these are all I can come up with at present.