OK then here is another. German scientists developed an unusual attachment for certian weapons that would help keep soldiers safe while firing around corners. Name it.
correct skunk it came in 30, 45, 60, and 90 degree bends though the 30 degree had the longest lifespan of about 300 rounds. the Germans called it the Krummlauf. There was also a version for panzers to protect against attacking infantry
Yes it was. It drew a crowd of hundreds. I was going to ask the name of one who ditched in the water there and was towed 130 yards to shore by landing craft, refurbished and flown again. Alas I only have a picture of it being towed (name under-water) and not the name. Your turn
Thanks Skunk! Here is a question: What is the name of the former US Navy ship that had made it out of Pearl Harbor and underway on 7 Dec 1941 which was later sunk by British Naval action?
I should've said the 353rd Squadron of the 9th Air Force, started doing this in force at Creil France, other than that ... same question.
Hint? There were two of them for each plane. They weighed 500 lb's apiece. They had fins. One under each wing. They went "Boom" when you dropped them. They seldom made the trip across the channel without them from then on, unless they were doing a fighter sweep, or providing top cover.
last hint They dropped them on railroad marshaling yards, bridges, enemy strong points, troop concentrations, airfields (planes-buildings-runways), convoys, and instead of "splashing" they created fire, concussion, shrapnel, and a whole big enough to put a three bedroom ranch house in. drop-tanks was close though ... same hard point, so one or the other
It was "Propaganda Leaflets". not really Bombs ! First time the "B" version Twangs went on a dedicated bombing mission. Many more to come. take it away ... someone