I've long lost interest in the history of aerial combats and just recently rekindled my interest in WWII (thanks to this forum) and WWI. I have little interest in modern militaries of today although I am aware of them. I've always drawn by the tales of romance and adventures on the highseas (modern or napoleonic eras). In summary I have read a little bit about everything but don't know enough to be an expert in anything. I found that whenever I consider myself an expert in something, I will lose interest at it and become disdained (if not disrespectful) of others. That's why I actually relish being humbled by some of you harsh critics (u know who) from time to time, it fuels my curiosity and keep my head even keel.
I am absolutely an expert when it comes to most North American sports though, football, basketball, baseball, NHL even......sorry, couldn't help myself.
Sir! The last (unnamed) activity is not a sport-but a liife-time devotion and vocation..a life-long quest.if you will.... hahahaha!
My speciallity is: German, U.S., UK, Soviet and all other guns of WW2.. I especially know alot about the 7.92mm Karabiner 98K and Penetration data for guns from all over the world.. And alot of stupid facts from ww2... So if there's any questions about any of this plz PM me..
My specialty is asking questions to gain knowledge. If I do this enough then I will soon have a proper specialty of my own. My main interest is Soviet Tanks.
Perfect, now I know who to look to when comes to Soviet tanks. I am still confused between all the KV-1, KV-2, IS-1, IS-2, IS-3, ISU-150 (or is it 152?), SU-150, ISU-100, they all looked the same to me. They are almost as confusing as the British Cruiser tank series to differentiate.
The Russians had no 150mm gun, it was all 152mm. Now I will ask you again not to let this topic digress. It is basically one post per person to state his specialty, not a discussion of it afterwards...
I'm more of a WWII generalist (Eastern front is my weak spot, but i'm good on western front/Pacific), but fairly good in small arms, light infantry tactics, above average in mountain units, Spanish civil war, and spanish in WWII. I'm also good on history and evolution of weapons, from rocks to caseless ammo. :roll:
my interests i am mostly a dump for useless facts but i study the us civil war, WWII, the south east asian war games, later wars, military tech and how it affects other areas, the US military. i have a lot of experence with sporting firearms, small craft, diving, some with flying, lifetime owner and trainer of horses. in general i tend to look at the larger picture instead of the small details but i love the small things that made a difference. i have years of experence in construction [ master electrician] and in emergency services [ fire and medical]. i read several hundred books a year on different subjects and remember most of it but i sometimes have trouble remembering where i read what. i love talking with people that were there [wherever there was] and go out of my way to get these first hand reports.
I do not know. Maybe (if we speak of WW2) - the reasons why it had to start and end like it did. There are lots of (also hidden) things in it that continue to influence our lives.
mine is football esp west ham utd (almost made it as a pro) as far as ww2 goes i have a passing interest in the eastern front 1941-5 also into meteorolgy so if u got any weather related questions ask away! women as well ive always had alot of friends who were girls/women and have lived with a few too
As an amateur(very much so) historian I would not claim to be an expert in any area. I've not been published in any historical subject. I know slightly more about ballistics, guns and armor penetration physics than other areas as I have read much on these subjects. No offence to anyone since I don't know much about most of you but about the only poster I have yet encountered that I personally would consider accomplished enough in any field to be considered expert would be Tony Williams. I would certainly defer to his opinion regarding WW II ammunition.
Nobody is claiming to be an expert in anything. We're just listing what bits we are strongest at. For me, as said above, Medieval - especially High Medieval! in WW2 - Planes, mostly, but Skua & Simonr1978 are better.
Hey, somebody with taste! What's your view on Dover, 1051? [after being told off, I started a topic on A-S England in the 'Non-WW2 History' area]