Try these two and see if they send to the USA The Nachtjagd War Diaries: Theo Boiten: Livres en anglais The Nachtjagd War Diaries: Theo Boiten: Livres en anglais
let me think about this Skip as overseas shipping will kill me due to the weight of each one of the volumes, most likely wait for amazon or another localized USA distributor. note the older book covers shown of both volumes same as in the states thanks and appericated S ~ just to get an additional flavour of sorts I should post the USA IPMS of Santa Anna some years ago, same insanity as Martin experienced at Telford so much so you almost had to yell at the chaps behind the sales tables and they the same to you in response
ATTENTION I have just been advised through 2 mails today from Simon Parry that the two volumes will only be sold through redkite pubs so suggest everyone interested get on their web-site to conduct business of ordering through your pay pal accts. price is roughly 60.00 US each volume and for the states and additional 60.00 US overseas shipping in two heavy parcels. Martin knows of what I speak ........... sorry for US buyers, will not be carrying them and it appears none of the amazons over the world will either at least for the time being. the volumes may see the light of day sometime in Canada but as to when ......... ? E ~
You seem to be right Erich, for the time being Amazon simply has not got them in stock. A bit odd considering they have been taking orders for weeks . Glad I didn't pay yet , so at least I can choose to buy them where they are available. Sorry for our American friends who have to pay such an heavy shipping duty, that's what happens when you pick Mayflower transport co
Well I just found them at Amzon Marketplace. Someone was selling his copies there for 21 euros each! I couldn't believe it, but considering there is a money back guarantee it doesn't work out, I ordered them and paid 6 euros shipping. I'll let you know if/when I get both volumes.
that is very hard for me to believe that he is selling the volumes undercost. wish the redkite guys would get on the sites and apply their wisdom to clear the air instead of me getting vocal about this. I am getting much negative feedback from others about promises that will be fullfilled from other book-outlets................ good luck is all I can say.
I find it hard to believe too, but amazon always refunds if there is no supply, so there is not much to lose and much to win. I"ll cross my fingers.
almost seems silly to me that one would of been to the aviation bookshop opening at Telford or order direct from them or from red-kite and then immediate turnaround and lose money on the deal. I'm sorry Skip but someone is getting short changed and would advise being on your guard. I noted on several amazon listings a price of 29.95 pounds from several book outlets and of course showing the old cover, but this is all bogus those firms do not have the books nor will they likely have them, it was pre-advertizement only and many have sucked right into that
In that case I will get a refund. It's not too pleasant to be the guinea pig , but I will be able to tell more in a few days.
£29.95 was the original planned selling price....I visited the Aviation Bookshop on Saturday to browse the two volumes...cover price is £40 per volume. However on 6 December personal visitors to the shop only pay £32 per volume..
For a moment there I grieved at the 'loss' of £16, but then realised that the opportunity to speak with messrs Spoden and Ebhardt ( and indeed Boiten and Mackenzie ) was beyond price......
Hi Martin ..yes I think that really this is a work that is actually very good value for money even at the higher cost .. and thank you once again for the signed sheet which I received yesterday. It was really very kind of you to go to the trouble of securing the sigs & sending it like that... attempted to award you some deserved 'reputation' but was told to 'spread it around a bit' before awarding you any more !! cheers
ok send me some for thanksgiving Neil...... Still trying to work out the financial particulars before making the big money decision to purchase of which I will without a singular doubt. hmmmm wonder if I can visit Aviation bookshop mentally and still receive their 20 % discount ? you had me also curious on your note on LEMB about Forsyth's JG 7 book so ordered a copy dirt cheap under 18.00 US.
..I put my review on Erich - and if its any consolation I had to pay 15 of our British pounds for my copy....
So that's more money that FalkeEins guy has forced me to spend..... All this talk of boozing with the author and veiled references to Luftwaffe im Focus.... So even though I've got the 'original' JV44 book I've had to order both titles.....
you were taken two-fold Neil and you even wrote a review you say ? demand payment asap !!! even though I purchased the giant JV 44 volume and looked over the battle o. Bayern book which I thought was trash I have never really "gotten into" JV 44 although a relative from long ago knew several pilots from the small band there was always something about JG 7 and it's pressure to alleviate the bombing over the Reich and then off to not so suitable duties performing ground attacks against Soviet armor and MT instead of boggling up this thread maybe we need to discuss the Osprey titles and contents on a new thread //////////......... >> Neil would you mind posting your review of the JG 7 title as amazon is not letting me log in to see anything - new thread possibly ? Maybe martin can chime in when his arrives and I may as well too later
a special thank you goes out to Martin for the signature/answers to questions page(s) from the two veterans received in the post while I was on Holiday like millions of crazy Americans this past weekend
Well I'm puzzled now. I have received two parcels from the U.K. today. They each had a copy of the Nachtjagd Diaries . They were both published by Redkite for the first time in 2008 and have respectively 396 and 412 pages. The cover price says 40£ each in the UK. The cover is however different and the dates are dispatched slightly differently (vol one= 1939 to march 44 . vol 2 = from april 44 ) the rest looks 100% identical, it has Peter Spoden's foreword etc.. I don't understand. Are there two prints of the same books with different covers? when I type the ISBN code I get the same book with another cover.
Congrats friend you have both volumes in hand. note on second page the black cover the one you have received, the advertisement from Amazon and the early distributors was a photo extract and was soon replaced by Theo for whatever reasons, during the final stages of preparation the dates were re-set. I am still working details of the 2 volumes this week with Simon on getting mine shipped directly...........I can't wait to spend all my Christmas monies on myself $ 180.00 US plus ........... yuk ! what sucks is that the book depository received just a few copies and the lucky ones that found out about these got the volumes for far less that 29 Euros each, they of course are now out of stock and will probably not re-carry. E `
then I must be one of these Very lucky ones. I actually got them for 21 euros each + 6 euros shipping so grand total 48 euros home and I got them in 72 hours only . There is a lot to read. Too bad I did not have any contact with Dr Boiten, I could have helped him to fill some gaps for the July 1944 Stuttgart operations. You should try the Amazon France link again, they apparently still have them via Market place and might send them to the U.S.